The Earth rotates on its axis and quietly embarks on its journey toward the infinite sky. Historical events, too, follow along. From the formation of the first human being to the modern era, with its milestones marking each stage of this journey—each one characterized by a Model Human.
Every age has its New Human, its archetype, who not only fights to adapt to each new clash but also succeeds in becoming the true model for the new social, cultural, and political circumstances that time brings.
A human being, in the beginning closely tied to nature, later attached to the supreme leader, and now connected to technology. In all three cases, the essence remains the same: revolving around the boundaries of life, often lacking foresight, where fear of the new always drives them toward chaos and anarchy.
If nature and the leader are easily accepted by the human mind as two secure components in which humanity, in every era, has placed its trust—also including the worship of gods—technology is expected to go beyond these expectations.
Its rapid development in the 21st century, as seen in one of its most advanced applications, Artificial Intelligence, seems to herald the dawn of a new revolution, poised to produce yet another, newer model.
Though evolution is physical, this time it is taking on dimensions of an entirely different and incomprehensible nature, something wholly unknown. This is described in the latest book by the renowned scholar Yuval Harari. According to him, we are only a short time away from humans transforming into mechanical beings, into robots.
As a result, with technology holding humanity 'hostage,' humanism, freedom, and faith have significantly diminished in our everyday lives. Given this trajectory, several questions arise in public debate:
How will humans cooperate with AI?
Is the enormous influence of such advanced technology on our lives something to fear?
Could this pursuit lead to a permanent dependence?
I think we wil be moving towards nature as we understand its nuiances.
I agree. This chaos will help us remember what is important.
There is nothing to fear.
I believe there will be a split in humanity. Those who get lost in the technology convolution. And those who return to nature and remember our humanity. Those ones who remember that all is one, this is an illusion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. I know I won't be playing in the AI, robot implants world. And there are others. I think we have peaked in our technological age. From here on out, it's just products for sale.