I see life as a sine wave One of oscillations Ebb and flow - the ocean Amplitude can and will change in moments Vicious and violent Soft and subtle
Somehow the acute peaks and troughs are easily quantified Action = Reaction The subtle changes are harder to quantify It’s easy to become a passenger in these moments
Mind , body , spirit The trifecta Three pillars holding your house up X , Y , Z What have you been lapsing on ?
Create , Reflect , Learn Breathe intentionally , Touch nature , Sweated in the sunshine Meditate , Love , Serve
Remember : Be Here Now Be as present as possible in every moment You will feel You will know Love fully - outward and inward
164 sats \ 1 reply \ @co574 1 Oct
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." - Rumi
Rumi always leaves me satisfied and confused at the same time , much like Tao te Ching. Thankyou friend
Great thing to remember “Be here now”
It’s Ram Dass’s message and I can’t not parrot it
It’s simple but powerful
It's all we have. All else is illusion. 💚
Beautifully said. A great reminder. It feels so great to have someone else I resonate with in this space. I often feel so alone and posts like this fill my heart. Thank you 💚
Desertdave - you share freely and authentically and it allows for others to reciprocate or be inspired. Thank you :)