Huge development with an attack happening in the suburb of Tel Aviv.
  • Two gunmen attacked a light rail system
  • videos circulating of the bodies laying on the ground
  • Jaffa isn't near the technology or security area of the city making it a "soft target"
Ballistic missiles have been fired from Iran. Eastern Israel is covered in Red Alerts
Confirmed This is a multifront attack with rockets from Lebanon, an internal terrorist attack, and now Iran.
this territory is moderated
Things wouldn't have deteriorated to this point if Trump was at the helm.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 OP 6h
When you have a weak leader people get bold and brave and that is something I think we are clearly seeing.
Sadly 8 people have been confirmed killed during the terrorist attack in Jaffa with another 7 people and 1 dog wounded
I wouldnt want to be there at the moment.
20 sats \ 3 replies \ @Cje95 OP 7h
I am shocked that they are already have launched a second wave.
That was very quick. How many casualties?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 6h
Since it is still ongoing they havent discussed it yet from what I am gathering. It is expected they launched drones as well and those take hours to reach Israel.
Large drones?