Thanks for this! I used it. Some feedback:
  • I stumbled over the step that showed the Profile Details section. I don't see Profile Details anywhere on my phone, maybe they've changed the app? I found the lightning address eventually by clicking around.
  • Also you highlight (with a "click to copy") the Profile page, but then actually looks like you actually paste in the lightning address (with a at the end).
  • I was surprised after doing this order to zap, I need to actually approve and scan an invoice via Alby/CoinOS! Of course I should have expected that but somehow it didn't sink in before I did it. Hmm...I'm not sure I want to do that. I zap a lot, having to scan the invoice on my phone every time will be a drag. Maybe I'll just use CoinOS for withdrawing, once I have a certain number of zaps. Or are there other options?
  • Is there not a way in Stacker News to continue to edit something, even after the 10 minutes have passed? I don't think there is, but that's a big negative of putting this kind of guide on Stacker News. Maybe there should be some kind of evergreen content, that can be kept up to date? Here's why I think this is important: this type of info changes VERY quickly. I assume the changes between what you have for step 2.0 is different from what I see on my home page, because of an update to CoinOS.
Thanks for the comprehensive feedback:
I stumbled over the step that showed the Profile Details section. I don't see Profile Details anywhere on my phone, maybe they've changed the app? I found the lightning address eventually by clicking around.
@coinoswallet already changed the Ui in the past few days, so it makes step 2.2 nearly obsolete! There's a way to get the clicking on the QRcode icon near the username.
From what I'm understanding, you maybe set up only the LNaddress to RECEIVE the sats to your leaving SN wallet at 0. That's why you get an invoice each time you zap :) To avoid this inconvenience, you should also set up NWC to send the sats TO SN as highlighteed on step 3.0
Depending on the network, sometimes you possibly experience delays leaving SN wallet at zero. So it's a good idea for now to keep some "cowboy credits" in there and make SN experience smoother!
Let me know how you go with this!
One more question if you have a minute...
I had my Desired Balance set to 2000. Underneath that, it reads "will attempt auto-withdraw when your balance exceeds 2200 sats".
However, I'm getting little micropayments all the time. 5 little 30 sat payments, just today, and my wallet amount is not close to 2000.
Any way to avoid this? I'd prefer to just receive payments when it's a more substantial amount - less transactions to clog things up.
34 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 4 Oct
Those sound like p2p zaps.
34 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 4 Oct
Thanks for bringing it up. When we switch to cowboy credits, we’ll let you specify a dust threshold that won’t send you small amounts.
Yes this is a common issue for everyone, @k00b @ek could enable a “min transaction amount” to avoid the micropayments
Hmmm...I thought I'd set up the npub correctly for step 3, but looks like it's not.
I tried again, putting the npub in there and attaching, but I get this error message in red, right under where I put the npub: "must start with nostr+walletconnect://". That's the error I probably got earlier, and didn't notice.
So I try putting it in like this nostr+walletconnect://npubxxxxxxxxx. Then I get the error "pubkey must be 64 hex chars".
if active, click detach button on the NWC wallet page and redo it. You need to get your NWC code as indicated in the picture above, NOT your npub!
Aha, thanks! Somehow I didn't notice the npub vs NWC.
However, my CoinOS screen doesn't look like yours. I have the Lightning address, Public URL, and Nostr pubkey, and nothing else. I do not have the Nostr Wallet Connect.
I clicked around trying to find it in CoinOS, but can't locate it.
Check the image on #707675 on the right side there's a cog icon to Get your NWC, click on it and you'll see the Reveal NWC screenn ;)
Thank you! Finally I think I've got it, using the QR code next to the username. I gotta say, that whole part of the app is pretty confusing. I would have expected all that type of info to be under Settings.
Great! Yes, not sure why, but I was preferring the way it was before. Now so many clicks to reach the NWC code!
Also - I'm getting messages from "zap on post failed". Based on my CoinOS transaction history, though, everything succeeded, and the sats were withdrawn. Not sure what to make of this.
I wonder if it's because the first one I did, I put in a really low fee (the original fee was higher than the zap). The next ones, I just left it as the original fee, and it went through with zero fees. But from the CoinOS side, it looks like EVERYTHING went through with zero fees.
Also, just realizing that I have to scan the lightning invoice even when I just post a reply! That makes sense, but it's a pain.
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