If Trump is Caesar, who are Cassius, Brutus and Antonio in current US politics?

The prospect of a second Donald Trump victory in November’s US election has widely been seen – at least by liberal commentators –as an apocalyptic threat to democracy. Indeed, the coming election is sometimes framed as a binary clash between democracy and autocracy. Some have even cast Trump as a new Julius Caesar, whose re-election would strike a fatal blow to America’s republican institutions just as Caesar’s dictatorship paved the way for the autocracy of the emperors. As the Financial Times put it back in June: ‘Trump would resume office as an American Caesar with a ready-made toolkit of executive actions.’
Plenty of ink has been spilled on whether Trump is best described as Caesarist, populist, nationalist, fascist or something else. Yet this is often disconnected from American democracy’s own longue durée. The threat of the Caesarist leader has loomed in the American political imagination from the republic’s revolutionary beginnings, and only deepened as the US entered the age of industrial capitalism around the middle of the 19th century. A historical perspective can inform our grasp of contemporary political realities. While many Americans may be relieved at the nomination of Kamala Harris as Democratic candidate, a longer vantage suggests that American democracy will continue to wrestle with the problem that was once called Caesarism, at least until it goes further in resolving its staggering economic and social contradictions.
It's a great article. I recommend you to read it from the link.
If Caesar was a tyrant, why did Shakespeare narrate him as a powerful, inspiring, and intelligent leader?
Anyways, I can see the same happening right now. Those who are praising Trump are the Shakespeares, may be.
Then I remember Sir Philip Sidney who was a contemporary of Shakespeare called Caesar was a rebel threatening Rome, and Brutus was the wisest of senators.
So, we as people are always hanging like a pendulum for who's the best, instead I think we should learn What is best.
The democracy has become a shameless statue now. People are slaves for they pay taxes. Instead of talking who's Caesar and who's Brutus, should we not talk about Democracy has fallen.
People are slaves for they pay taxes.
The taxes are for these politicians get salary and allowances on time.
You know how much is gone to feed these politicians?
2.7 lakh rupees ($3000) per month + Amenities for around $10k every month. And the lowest salaries in India are given to physical workers who are paid hardly 3 to 5 dollars a day .. 300 to 500 rs. What a shame.
Nice article
Fortunately, the American system has much more robust checks and balances than ancient Rome, and we all know how Caesar ended. I think that for the past 30 years in all Western countries, we’ve taken democracy for granted. But democracy is a fragile system that must be protected, especially in these times of deep inequalities. While Trump has shown authoritarian tendencies, there is still strong institutional, media, and social opposition that can limit his power. It is definitely worrying that populist and authoritarian figures like Trump are gaining ground in politics, especially in countries where democracy has never been questioned. These populist and authoritarian movements thrive when people disconnect from politics. But I have the answer: we have a short memory, or we don't study our past history!
people argue which ruler could rule better, instead of learning how to follow natural common sense rules. the book (liber) leads to liberty.
people who want to be ruled are insane in law hence need a supervisor and an enforcer. people who live by the rules are labeled legally insane, crazy extremists, or better yet - nonexistent.
what percentage of population needs to start living a normal life by the rules in order for the matrix of rulership to become obsolete?
we are about to cross a chasm where people might actually believe that they have no rulers, because they cannot identify any of the systems of control: that's how good the system will become.
Trump cant be any worse than biden, right?