I was surprised to see this given what Powell has said about the labor market... Cant wait for the revision right after the election though that says only 5 jobs were created!
It'll be good to see if the household survey results show the same thing. They've been more accurate than the employer reports.
True true! The household comes out on Friday right? Heard that mentioned at some point this morning but I wasn't paying attention when it was brought up!
I have never been someone who knows when things come out. Fortunately, @TomK is on top of all these reports, so I don't have to be.
True he really is! I mean I tend to have CNBC or Bloomberg on every morning but I still never seem to know lol
Maybe I write them...
Or better: oops, we need to change sign, then it fits
Yep! I still am amazed by that huge revision from a couple months ago where they said opps we over counted by 800,000 jobs... like excuse me I want the job counter job because you can be complete shit and you are fine!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 2 Oct
That was hilarious. Keeping up a system of lies is always getting more expensive with the time
Tell me thought wouldnt you love that job!?! Easy 6 figures to just throw a dart at a board and go andddddd its _____