I donated some sats directly from Stacker News by Withdrawing to LN Address and using the address from geyser. The fee was exactly 0 sats :)
I love when the pieces start fitting together like this... :)
This makes me wonder - @k00b, if your SN LN node has a direct channel with the service you are sending money to, then it could be actually doable to forward sats on posts to different nodes even for individual sats. Not sure what would be the right UX for this though.
It would at least remove any concerns around fees being relatively high for small amounts. It would still be subject to a number of possibly delayed failure conditions that would have to be handled in the background and communicated to the user after they thought they sent the money.
i withdrew 1500 sats to LNTXTBOT yesterday and the fee was excactly 0 as well. so when it comes to fees lightning is turning out better than expected because i think 0 fees is sustainable. but i could be wrong
Is it possible for this to be done within posts at some point?
"forward sats to: betweentwoasics@geyser.fund"
Definitely adds complexity vs moving "sats" around between internal users, but could be an interesting way to link back here in the transaction note.
Yes metamick has asked for it several times. When we have non-custodial wallets we'll have UI/UX for dealing with the problems associated with such payments.
Very cool. How are you guys thinking of going non-custodial?
Hilarious. We also need this kind of content!