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I recall there being some research indicating that almost all real wage growth comes from job hopping.
Yeah so I guess it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♂️
But it makes it hard if you like what your doing and want to finish what your working on
But yes sometimes we are just a number or most times we are just a number
It sucks and it doesn't have to be this way.
As we like to say, Bitcoin fixes this.
How does bitcoin fix this?
When we had a less inflationary currency people did stay in their jobs long-term and were able work their way up in the same organization.
Inflation puts a lot of pressure on employers to keep their variable costs down, which means being reluctant to grant raises. Inflation also stresses employees' household budgets, which means needing more frequent raises than under a sound money.
But you would still need to job hop as if you didn’t your btc earnings would be less then there’s as they jumped and negotiated a better btc pay rate? Couldn’t see it swapping back even if the money was changed to a sound btc system
Wages are "sticky", so if your money is depreciating, your wages will rise slower than the purchasing power erodes. The flip side is that if your money is appreciating, your wages will fall slower than the purchasing power rises.