Extracting insights from my Yamanashi travel materials. Thank you for reading:
  1. You can find Japan’s highest post office at the summit of Mount Fuji.
  2. According to Shinto beliefs. The Fifth Station - where travellers typically start off when they climb Mount Fuji - marks the boundary between the mortal and sacred world.
  3. A gorgeous view of Mount Fuji can be found at the back of the old 1000-yen note.
  4. Visit Oishi Park in mid-June to mid-July, where a vibrant lavender field will be juxtaposed against the majestic Mount Fuji.
  5. Adrenaline junkies can try out the Fuji Airways (Hikousha) ride at a theme park called Fuji-Q Highland for a dynamic panoramic view of Mount Fuji.
  • Top producer of grapes, peaches and plums in Japan.
  • That’s why it’s not surprising that a hotel called Hotel Hatta boasts real red wine baths on the 7th floor for both men and women.
  • Restaurants here cook their meat on lava stone hot plates, in which the lava is extracted from Mount Fuji. Doesn’t knowing this lead to the placebo effect, in which you think that the beef cooked will be more delectable?
  • Farmers feed cows grapes. Apparently, the enzymes from the grape husks consumed by the cows will contain antioxidants that minimises the gamey smell from the meat.
  • Wine beef curry is therefore a unique delicacy in Yamanashi.