Is AI dangerous? Is it mostly hype? Do you think about AI at all? Where do you fall on the spectrum?
AI will make a massive positive impact41.4%
AI is mostly a fad13.8%
I don't care about AI.17.2%
The internet is dead6.9%
Other - share your 2 sats below20.7%
29 votes \ 3 days left
Ai is just another innovation. People are as overwhelmed as they had been for every other innovation before. Nothing to think and surely nothing to worry.
I agree with that. No need to worry.
It will have both a positive and negative impact.
I say AI will replace the 'Global Warming' propoganda.
How does that happen?
I believe very soon the world will find that 'Global warming' was nothing except a natural earthly phenomenon. Those who are running this propoganda will start forecasting that AI will kill the Earth. They'll do it to distract the innocent people and to hide their lies. But they would again lie. Won't tbey?
I get it now. This definitely seems plausible.
I really don't care about it. I believe in two phrases.
  • Chop wood, carry water,
  • Stay humble and Stack stas.
I think I am mostly in the same camp
What is AI? Artificial Intelligence!! 'Artificial' is enough to make it a no worry thing. When man made Nuclear bombs aren't sufficient to end humanity, AI certainly won't.
absolute worst case scenario: A.I. will convince men to make more nuclear weapons to make more death, so bitcoiners will make an A.I. that convinces men to make nuclear generators to make more hash, and the A.I.'s will finally battle it out on the free A.I. market.
GIF: gurren lagann. amazing anime series.
That sounds kind of fun.
That's a great perspective. I agree with the fact that it will always be artificial. Nothing to fear.
I also believe that everything around AI is just overhyped and this is done for the profit of a few big players who are seeing that they are entering to the final zone of their supremacy. I'm definitely talking about Google, Microsoft and Meta. They can't survive longer without AI hype.
I agree. It is like the internet or crypto. A lot of hype.
"Is fire something we should worry about?" -Some caveman 1.5 m years ago
let's just skip to the part with ultra-realistic sex robots and subsequent demographic collapse
What is a demographic collapse?
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 17h
So having AI in my portfolio is pretty helpful here I would have to say!!! Few things I would like to point out...
  1. At this point in time AI is very much just data from the data sets being presented to you in ways that have not been done before. In other words, AI is as dangerous as the data you have it on.
  2. A lot of people have talked about it reaching what I would call right now a Mount Everest-type summit with AGI (artificial general intelligence). There are a ton of issues with this occurring in the near future and some quite frank basic laws of our understanding of the world with physics and tech innovation that might never fully allow it to like people think.
  3. Many of the revolutionary AI use cases we are only just now touching or getting into. Generative AI is just a slice of the pie and the generative AI that is so popular is yet another smaller slice.
  4. One case at the moment that we have no way to combat and is dangerous is deepfakes and other AI-generated pictures/videos. A lot of companies and "experts" like to harp on this idea of watermarking images. The issue is when AI is scrapping data (images) from the web it doesn't scrap up the metadata that contains the watermark effectively rendering them moot. There has been an argument that until we tackle this we are going to have a little issue with knowing fact from fiction. One way to address this that several different groups of academics, experts, and even politicians are looking at seriously using is public blockchain ledgers to store the truth and use that as a database almost to check fact from fiction.
  5. Energy consumption has been a huge topic and the only issue facing the US grid is the mid-term window of 2-5 years. Long term the data center and hyper scaler people are figuring it out they just got caught off-guard because for over a decade, US electrical consumption was flat after a century of growth. Now they are adjusting their plans to smooth out the issues they have run into. As we have seen with Microsoft and Three Mile Island I see SMR (small modular nuclear reactors) turning a corner and actually becoming something. The big issue has been the first utility or company that buys them is going to pay a pretty steep price however once you get the manufacturing going the costs drop dramatically like with most things.
  6. AI is also going to be able to help us fix and address the damage we have already caused to the earth with fossil fuels from spills and leaks (esp. from abandoned wells) to discovering new materials in say the plastic space while also being able to discover new drugs and supercharge medical innovation. In the medical space, it is able to dramatically speed up narrowing down possible new treatments for example. Instead of taking 5-10 years now it could be cutting it down to 2-5 so a significant advancement!
Its another disruptive tool, while a lot of hype around it is overblown. Its always funny seeing the "What if the bad guys use it" trap that people fall into. Sam Altman for all intensive purposes is the bad guy.... see Worldcoin
LLM's arent a fad, A hammer can be used for good or evil,
Its important to be aware of this stuff because the grifters scammers and third party intermediaries are going to have a field day. Open source and Local LLM's are probably the signal in the noise.
The space is moving crazy fast, and no one really knows where the train is headed.
That seems like a good assessment. Interesting times.
Worldly omniscience, combined with social credit, you should be afraid.
Not me. I have no social credit.
You'd like to think so.
Clearly you don't know me very well.
Or maybe your right. Maybe I am super jacked in. I doubt it.
how will A.I. help or hurt a man living in the desert? A.I. does not bother man. man's mind is bothered by A.I.
I don't think it can hurt me. It's just part of the big show. I get to decide how much I want to participate.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 12h
If AI replaces this we'll be just fine.
Working in a place like that would be hell.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 13h
When you are being a Luddite, just assume you are wrong IMO
Most people who use AI use ChatGPT afaik but when it comes to issues and questions that are even remotely political it will side with the status quo. So AI is supposed to help advance us and make us smarter, but if its centralized it will just protect the status quo no matter what.
Yeah. That is interesting. It has to have a biased because it doesn't actually think.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Garth 14h
Is it really “Artificial Intelligence” currently? Seems more like large scale brute force plagiarism to me? Hence the energy consumption…
I agree. Isn't it just kind of guessing over and over until something kind of makes sense?
See the channel of Robert Miles AI safety to see the dangers of AI. And if you think of AI as a tool (which can be used maliciously by humans), you are missing the real danger. And it is exactly that - AI becoming 100s of times smarter than humans. Once that happens you have no way of controlling it (analogous how lions in africa have no way of controlling humanity... they don't even recognize that their survival as a spices is dependent on human behaviour and they can do nothing about that and would never even begin to comprehend the way humans can control them and their environment).
I don't believe ai can ever be "smarter" than humans. We have had calculators for a long time.
It's not a matter of belief. Since you used calculator as an example, imagine intelligence as a continuum from calculator to orders of magnitude higher than the smartest human. We've head continuous increase, albeit with some long periods of slow increase, and we are way past the intelligence of the calculator. If you like to learn, watch the youtube channel I referenced above. It's very easy to follow.
And even if you are still 100% certain machines could never surpass human intelligence, I would like to ask you a question out of curiosity. Do you think humans have the maximum theoretical intelligence that is physically possible to exist in any entity - electronic or biological?
How do you, personally, define intelligence?
Well, or the purposes of the danger I am explaining it's best to think of intelligence as the ability to map a future states of the world to current actions that are possible for the agent to perform.
AI digs through our trash. And spits it back out at a cost. HuMans can have faith something they see as higher truth and experience inspiration, the hand of god.
Or maybe your right.
I'm not here to be right. Just observe.
You and I have a different definition of intelligence. For me, it is creativity. Creativity comes from a connection to source, where all ideas some from. This is not something a fast calculator will ever have. Just my belief. For me, it is a matter of belief. Belief creates reality. I live in the middle of the desert. AI will never worry me. 💚
AI will replace many jobs, for sure, but if we harness the unique asset that is our brains, we will create one-of-a-kind value n not be replaced! Sensei is confident!
It'll be like the internet. Massive impacts, both good and bad.
I agree. It's going to change things for sure I would say.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @ET_AI 19h
I believe all of the above are likely narratives that will remain
It will replace google search
Seems likely.