
  • If you like, put some fun bets (No promises).
  • Just say, how much you bet on the victory of Trump or Harris.
  • Zap this post with the same amount of sats.
  • If your prediction comes true, you'll get your betting amount + whatever extra sats this post gets.
  • The sats will be equally divided among those who predict the correct outcome in the comment box with their bet amounts.
  • It'll be an approximate number but for example, if you bet Trump's victory with 100Sats (if this comes true) and poll recieves 1000 sats, and there's noone else, you'll recieve 700 sats as reward. If there are two correct predictions with 100 sats, you'll receive 350 sats.

Please Note:

  • The voting on the poll will remain open for 1 month.
  • Please put @remindne in 30 days in the comments to see the result of this poll.
I bet 100 Sats on Donald J Trump's Victory.
I'll take the later
Just cuz