This second philosophy, that computers are an aid to humans, not their replacement, is the older of the two; its greatest proponent — prophet, if you will — was Microsoft’s greatest rival, and his analogy of choice was, coincidentally enough, about transportation as well. Not a car, but a bicycle.
^^Interesting to see Ben bring up Jobs in this post, he actually talked quite a bit on AI.
This is from a Thriller post where I briefly discussed the following:
Jobs discussed computers as a new medium of communication. Historically, each new medium—like radio, television, or the internet—began by mimicking its predecessor before developing its unique characteristics. Interestingly enough, in the 2020s, we are in the early stages of understanding and leveraging Bitcoin and AI as another new medium of communication.
Ben is notorious for seeing things around the corner, happy that were all seeing similar things out there on the front lines.