Japanese places Sensei wants to visit
  1. Sometimes, you just want to get things off your chest. The Missing Post Office on Awashima, Kagawa captivates my attention because it features anonymous post cards and letters. I think my reading proficiency is good enough for me to peek into the hidden secret lives of the Japanese.
  2. Ehime is famous for mikan (mandarin oranges), so I would love to indulge my love for coffee by sipping mikan coffee at 10-Factory, located near the one of the oldest onsens that is Dogo Onsen.
  3. I’m attracted to novelty, so the vine bridges in the Iya Valley pique my curiosity even though they are out of the way. I want to be there to experience the ancient wisdom of the Japanese - how they harnessed nature to get things done.
  4. Come summer time, the Japanese shed their inhibitions like chameleons mounting their skins. I will like to soak up the boisterous energy radiating from the Awa Odori festival in Tokushima City. I have been to similar dance festivals before, and always come away with a renewed appreciation of how the Japanese must have worked hard to synchronise their steps and vibes.
  5. I drink Asahi Beer once weekly, and will love to visit the Asahi Beer Shikoku Factory to luxuriate in my alcoholic habit.
Sounds like an awesome trip
Sounds great when will you go?