Keeping on with my promise/punishment, I'm now doing ~oracle poll posts everyday. Most of these polls are based on the outcome for real world events/projections. I'm doing it as a series post with the tag 'Poll of the Day'. Tell me, how do you like that?
I've also decided to make a directory for the best polls, ongoing or completed. I'm slightly confused on whether to make a different post for the directory or I should just update it with 'Poll of the Day' series. And, should I include all polls or just the best ones? Please suggest. Today I've just included the best polls, which are also ongoing, of this month.
Previous Polls (Ongoing in October 2024)

Poll of the Day

Currently US is the undisputed leader of the world with all bases covered, be it economy or defense. However some other countries are growing rapidly and it's projected that a 21st century will see the emergence of a new world leader. What do you say?
Tell the world, stackers!

Which country is gonna be leading the world in 2050?

Any other (I'll write in the comments)22.7%
I can't say9.1%
22 votes \ 12h left

Please Note:

  • The voting on the poll will remain open for 24 hours.
  • Please put @remindne in 24 hours in the comments to see the result of this poll.
The world will never be one family until money and religion become irrelevant.
And neither will become irrelevant
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 10h
A lot of people saying any other and nobody saying USA tells me that our community at SN is very high on such thoughts. Great to meet you guys.
I think it'll either be India, China or USA might remain the leader because somehow it'll manage its dollar supremacy.
bitcoin nation
I agree, nation states will probably be more akin to service providers in 30 years.....Unless we see total authoritarian control.
authoritarian control by consent is, always has been, and always will be an option for whoever does not want to accept responsibilities and would rather have someone else to take on responsibilities.
Where's that?
i think it's a state of mind. for example, the nym that's typing this right now, on my behalf, is in a state of stacker nation. if the nym says something unacceptable or wrong, i forgive him and make the necessary corrections according to the rules of stacker nation. in bitcoin it's very hard to break the rules in the first place.
"The term 'naturalization' means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever." 8 USC ยง 1101(a)(23)
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@Coinsreporter excellent initiative, I hope to participate in all the surveys you conduct.
Thanks! I'll post one poll daily. Keep an eye or you can subscribe me to get the notification.
Obviously Canada. We are going to oust Trudeau and then ascend to greatness.
I see Canada as a great prospect for leading the world only because Indian population is increasing in leaps and bounds there. Because Canada is already a developed country with everything that US has, except a bigger population. The Indians settling there will solve this issue as well.
The Indian community will definitely play a major role in Canada's success in the coming decades. I expect sometime in the 2030s we will have an natively born Canadian who is from Indian descent that becomes Prime Minister.
How about India Canada become one nation? So much population here and there I saw today in a video so many empty towns.
I listen here in the news that there are already a few Indian descent in the government.
I'm not biased. I see India is in a better position right now to be the world leader by 2050.
Still 26 years to go. Anything can happen by then but right now I think India can do much much better in the economic front.
USA, uncontended. Unless Kamala wins.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 7h
I suppose another way to ask this question might be, what will the political world map look like in 2050?
Black Rock
Which ever ones that are stacking the most.. between now and then.
People or government?
Texas. Yes, I know what I wrote. Lol.
I think India has a good chance and from Latin America, El Salvador is my candidate.
El Salvador is not even close to being the leader in its region. It's not about only money. There are many other things that makes a country the leader.