USD/BTC = $62,203 Block 864242
The new fiscal year has started for the federal government. The inflation reduction act infrastructure spending kicks in the amount of $62B.

Here is the split:

  1. National Highway Performance Program ($30.2 billion)
  2. Surface Transportation Block Grant Program ($14.7 billion) (Bridge and tunnel repairs)
  3. Bridge Formula Program ($5.3 billion) (Loans for bridge replacements and repairs)
  4. Highway Safety Improvement Program ($3.2 billion)
  5. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program ($2.7 billion) (Meet Clean Air Act standards on roads)
  6. Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Formula Program ($1.5 billion) (Natural disaster protection)
  7. National Highway Freight Program ($1.5 billion) (Improve freight)
  8. Carbon Reduction Program ($1.3 billion)
  9. National Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Formula Program ($885 million) (Install EV charging stations)
  10. Metropolitan Planning Program ($464.9 million)
  11. Appalachian Development Highway System Program ($246.3 million),
  12. Railway-Highway Crossings Program ($245 million)
Among the states receiving the most total funds from all programs includes California ($5.8 billion); Texas ($5.7 billion); New York ($2.8 billion); Florida ($2.8 billion); Pennsylvania ($2.7 billion); and Illinois ($2.3 billion).
A drop in the bucket for what is really needed to fix the United States crumbling infrastructure.
That's a lot of sats.
A drop in the bucket for what is really needed to fix the United States crumbling infrastructure.
What do you mean by this? Too little money? Or it's not the government's role to fund the US infrastructure? Or both?
EDIT: Genuinely asking... I know the infra is bad, but I don't know how bad it is. And I don't know of any alternative way to fund infra. Privatisation doesn't work too well for this, in my limited experience.
Both. Infrastructure is very old here. The American society of civil engineers ASCE does a good job detailing the funding needs to update and replace the old infrastructure in America.
Privatization has its trade offs. When things are profit driven it can price out segments of the society. But even so the private sector doesn’t have unlimited money.