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This is a simplified natal chart for Austin, Texas. We are assuming high noon is the birth time. The indicators are kept to a minimum.
Where the number 2 is is the second house. The key sign is Chiron. It is in opposition to the 9th house with a sign with little horns on its head that is called Mercury. This means that when the city of Austin was born, it had a "wound" in communication or information being a possession which are themes the second house in Gemini concerns. This caused friction with communication of faith based matters, which is what the ninth house concerns--especially so here in Capricorn. The red lines are squares which causes some stress. Mars is in the sixth house which means action in service and information and faith don't mix. Probably, the easiest story here concerns military/soldiers who leave their faith behind or keep secrets inconsistent with their faith.
The green lines are trines, or good aspects. Jupiter in the sixth makes a trine to the wound in the second, which means that eventually a pure kind of service inspires the communication to flow where matters of justice are involved.
This is a very general analysis of the stresses involved in this chart, and many of these items can become physical issues internal to the body if they are not addressed externally. For instance, Jupiter with Libra could become say, a kidney infection. This comes about from a wound in communicating what the body needs on some level, in the second. The ninth might concern needs around fun, children, or travel or even education. Since the stress gets no expression, it becomes disease.
Stacker news would literally be born in the second house due to fake news, and the internet being screwed up with regards to values. It doesn't seem to have a religion territory at this moment. These are actual fulfillments of this energy.
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