Agent and Principal

In simple terms Agent to Principal refers to a business relationship which recognises one person as having power to create or alter legal rights, duties or obligations of another person, and has been given authority to act within the confines of a predetermined and signed contract.
The principal is the person who has the ultimate authority, and also carries the burden of responsibility of the agent.
Within any dispute or accusation of a crime, the principal is the person who has made the claim.
The agent is the person who has accepted the contract of the principal and has agreed to act upon the information given by the principal.
The agent does not contract directly with a recipient of the principals claim in their own right, and therefore generally has no liability regarding the issue at hand.
However, the agent can be held responsible for their own actions if they carry out an act that is outside the purview of the principals contract, acts on fraudulent or misinformation or violates the rights of the recipient.
If the agent can not name the principal, or offers a name of a legal fiction, or a principal cannot be found, then the agent is fully responsible and liable for any and all acts, claims and statements thereof.