Just a reminder: this is what the US labor market would look like right now if the statistics weren't distorted by immense artificially created government jobs and the usual well-known statistical shenanigans. When it comes to creative statistical misdirection, politics is really impressively competent!
It has only been a few weeks since you had to correctly revise the labor market statistics downwards by over 800,000 jobs. So we have the recurring proof of the falsification of labor market statistics in favor of the current government. And yet it is not an issue, the internet forgets too quickly.
Not least thanks to the successful work of the mass media, which always distract the attention of the general public from the core of the important issues with foaming at the mouth, smoke and mirrors and provocations. It is astonishing, for example, that none of the political round tables ever address the issue of the central bank and the deliberate devaluation of our money. Where are the so-called representatives of the people?