For a long time I could not comprehend the contempt for Baby Boomers. Now I realize it is just a backlash people have when encountering an alien presence.
Baby Boomers consistently increased the world's amount of everything. Especially knowledge. That's the feature that intimidates later generations.
Imagine you owned a company in the 1990's. All of your machinists, chemists, foremen, metallurgists, engineers, accountants, managers, programmers, etc are Boomers. They are in their 40's.
You are having problems with all of the younger people you hire and they are not dependable. What happens to the company when all the Boomers retire and die off? Will the company collapse?
Someone had the idea that we could record the Boomer's knowledge in Expert Systems. It was a fore runner of AI.
You have people who understand why things work and why things do not work. You want to replace them with younger people who do not have a real education and cannot understand those "whys".
If you cannot understand a technology, it may as well be magic. You don't need knowledge you can't use. You need a recipe.
So Expert Systems were written to capture the Boomer's knowledge about everything. Even if they only captured the most important 20 percent it was a lot better than depending on younger people to figure it out on their own.
As the Boomers retired and died off, there was a big loss of curiosity and inventiveness and thirst for knowledge. The remaining population could not conceive of living a life of abundance that the Boomers had provided. They became comically alienated to any concept of learning and experience because "that's what Boomers did".
So they can't really connect to a real life Boomer who is like an alien to them.