Short answer: nothing.
Aljazeera might be a tad more dependable, but its still only describing reality in fiat terms, Keynsian delusions, and probably with heavy manipulation on behalf of the Gulf deep states on top of that.
Do a thought experiment, please: imagine that ALL borders closed down to never open for a year, what countries would be left standing?
That is my point, and actually how I think the Russians are thinking. Resiliency is what counts, my home country had all of that but literally threw it away after ~1990, while Russia rebuilt with that in mind all along...
Of course you might be right about some of these things, but I'll make up my own mind on that later on if I choose to get closer to, or even into the Russian sphere.
Bulgaria would be a "light" version of such a move, Armenia or Georgia more direct, especially if I end up doing this move in a few years, when they inevitably will have been drawn in again.