I wrote a reply a couple days ago that got me thinking a bit....so here you go :) I hope you find it thought provoking....
Bitcoin is many things to many people and we all utilize it as we see fit...and nothing is wrong with any of it (though some uses may prove to be more difficult to maintain over the long term than others). As I said, Nothing stops this train.... and as such, I have been thinking more and more about the future and in particular about the future I see that is built upon Bitcoin.
One thing I am confident in, is that Nothing is going to stop Bitcoin. There are simply too many people who have heard about this thing and too many users....I mean someone would have to literally kill every user and likely most "knowers" of Bitcoin in order to stop it. Now, think about that....if someone started killing off users of Bitcoin - all it would do is make them martyrs and even more people would flock to it...it would be a losing battle (though it isn't a zero-chance that someone/something tries this route within their "jurisdiction" at some point in time. (I wish it was a zero chance)
Another thing I am confident about is that people/governments/agencies are currently and will continue to try to somehow fork the blockchain...they are likely doing so right now through the ETF's and they are about to obfuscate their actions even more through all the additional monetary derivatives they are about to start layering onto them. One thing is certain - many, many, many, Bitcoiners out there will be praising these actions and are actively pushing for more of them.... again - Bitcoin wins....it just has to go through this game first...cause don't think for one hot second that you somehow are smarter than the power players in FIAT right now....those players are not going down without a fight...they are not paying you $1 million dollars for your precious Bitcoin anytime soon....at least, not if they can help it....and while yes we have the lead...they have 99% of the money right now....so just remember that....
And - One other thing I am confident about is - the longer "Bitcoiners" eff around and HODL/Play with their stacks....the longer it will take for Bitcoin to take over. The FIAT world has a long history and (to my knowledge) has been the only game around...maybe a few small countries had some form of "hard" currency or something but as soon as they hit the radar of any larger FIAT system they would have been (or will be) overtaken by the larger system. (This includes sovereign nations currently running on Bitcoin that think they might "make up"/produce/use their own stable coin pegged to their Bitcoin....El Salvador just don't do it)
This is all Tom-Foolery - it is all a way to take your eyes of the prize....so that those with the power/value can retain it....I mean literally - all the big VC's in Bitcoin are going around preaching how they need your up and coming company to provide them better than a 45% return in order to invest in your start-up....I mean what the actual fuck? Bitcoin is fucking Bitcoin....it is not to be compared to the FIAT fucking shitshow/clownworld that is what we all live in....Bitcoin is fucking Bitcoin and should be handled as such...you should build with Bitcoin for Bitcoin and with Bitcoin in mind....not the fucking FIAT toilet paper from whatever godforsaken government land you call home!
Look - I am a fucking nobody - you don't have to take it from me....go listen to the VC's yourself-they have all been yacking about the 40-60% returns you get from just buying and holding Bitcoin and how their companies look for companies that can do better....yet they turn around and tell you quit thinking about FIAT and get out of that system....seems a bit off to me?
Anyway - I digress....
It strikes me - as I sit here writing this reply (knowing that Bitcoin doesn't care) - that maybe, just maybe...all this work that some are doing to obtain and secure as much Bitcoin as possible for themselves and/or to enrich their investors or their families is really just a waste of their most valuable asset (TIME)? It just seems to me that if indeed I am just another human, like the rest of us....and that if I have been working my arse off for the last 5ish years to learn and build to secure as much Bitcoin as I can that likely that is what others are doing as well...and...
It also strikes me that our(my) beliefs are constantly proven wrong over time (as we delve deeper into the nature of things) and so it is highly likely that my thinking over these past years has also been wrong, in which case I have to ask myself...what is a better explanation of what makes Bitcoin better? (other than money) and which leads me to imagine a future on a Bitcoin standard and what it could look like and then work instead toward the goal of pulling that reality out of the fabric of future-space and to make it our shared present reality/space....
So if we were living on a Bitcoin standard - It would seem to me that if we (as humans) spend any of that most valuable asset of ours (being Time) in service to any others through any type of value creation...and we do so by agreeing to accept something which "communicates value" in exchange, then whatever that thing is that "communicates value" should be something which has all the characteristics of Bitcoin.
and if that makes sense then....
All the "value" that every one of us creates and the exchange of such "value" is then recorded for perpetuity into/onto the timechain/blockchain...that "value" becomes accretive to the entire system....in perpetuity.
and if that is a true statement....
All the value recorded from January 3rd, 2009 until infinity - becomes accessible to all the other future users of this system....in an immutable, honest, open manner - all future users can be assured that the "values" recorded in the system are accurate and cannot be unilaterally changed without consensus of/in the network....
We now live in this world....we now live with an immutable ledger and people are working at building out this network at record pace. Of course, not all people building here are doing so with Freedom in mind and are building with greed in mind...which in the end will likely result in them crashing and burning....but for those building with their minds focused on the future - we are sure to be in for some absolutely amazing opportunities - I just hope that the majority catch on quick to the new paradigm and get those already here get out of the greed/HODL mindset and instead move onto the abundance and freedom one....
I liked the phrase "Not all people who build here do so with freedom in mind" something totally true!! Many are just looking for profit without realizing that Bitcoin is not just that... but a multifunctional asset and that it is already solving and will solve many problems in the future!! The main one being the fall of the dying Fiat system, something that will explode at any moment!! Keep postingπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™‚
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @398ja 7 Oct
Profit is good. πŸ™‚πŸ˜Ž
I am not saying profit isn't good - I am saying that the FIAT definition of profit is not the same built on Bitcoin
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 7 Oct
One thing I am confident in, is that Nothing is going to stop Bitcoin.
Well said!