What in your point constitutes as a life well-lived? Are the boundaries between your work and life very distinct? Or you tend towards busman’s holidays, where you do for work corresponds largely with your leisure activities? And is Bitcoin integral or secondary to your ideal of a well-lived life?
this territory is moderated
Nice graphic. Feel free to share this in ~memes whenever you feel like.
This made me chuckle. Thanks!
Bitcoin is just a part of life. Raising good kids into well functioning adults l would say that is a well lived life
I read a book, in which its author wrote, we aren’t raising kids, we are raising adults. This truism has stuck with me
Yes I have seen something like that as well and it makes sense
A well-lived life is one which allows you to ascend. However you wish to perceive it, Bitcoin is only an instrumentality to achieve that end. Leaving the wheel is my objective. Everything I do, whether, work or not-work life, is geared towards that end. So I would say both my work and my non-work life are not distinct and Bitcoin would be secondary or tertiary in my life.
Would you say that you are experiencing work-life harmony currently?
To me, a well lived life is a simple and free one. One where efficiency rewards directly. One where our passion and work are inseparable. In such a world, we need a clear signal to value real energy. Bitcoin is better than human. From source, through the mind of man, comes Bitcoin as Actual Intelligence. Actual energy signal for the first time ever. Man has never thrived like he will with Bitcoin. Bitcoin encourages cooperating. It encourages open information. It encourages peace. For me, Bitcoin is currently an integral part of this new way of being. It gives me hope.
Oh, Actual Intelligence.
I like this!
boundary between life and work only needs to be maintained if the work is not righteous, working for the satanic state (of mind) for example, receiving demonic blood money, spending time away from real people (the friends and family). one day we shall only work for and with friends and family, but today it appears that we spend a significant amount of time working for the enemy.
Some couples work well together. I think my wife would kill me if we do likewise haha
compartmentalize the work so that no one interferes with the realm of another.
I feel like those who get the most out of life (without violating the natural rights of others) are lives well-lived.
Living out of a van on the road but happy doing it? Life well lived. Working 80+ hours a week to afford high lifestyle but happy doing it? Life well lived. Becoming a parent and happy doing it? Life well lived.
Bitcoin is integral to my life because it liberates more of my time to be devoted to what I need/want out of life.
To extrapolate from your examples, one person’s heaven is another person’s hell. Thanks for reviving the territories!
Bitcoin is just a tool. Not integral, imo, to a well lived life. But mass adoption would probably allow for more people to live better lives.
I wonder if one day The Bitcoin Standard will be the way of living rather than the path less taken
I'm hoping to get to the point where I'm getting paid for stuff I would be doing anyway.
I once watched a Japanese tv show in which the man lived his life based on coupons and giveaways. I always thought it would be cool if I can pull off something like that
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mf 8 Oct
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