Anchoring bias
Anchoring bias, also known as the anchoring effect, is a cognitive distortion in which users tend to make their decisions based on the first information they receive. In the context of pricing, the first price that consumers see when entering an e-commerce site or marketplace determines their choice of products and final purchase decision.
Confirmation bias
Confirmation bias or confirmatory bias is the tendency to favor, search for, interpret, and remember information that confirms one's own beliefs or hypotheses, giving disproportionately less consideration to possible alternatives. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error in inductive reasoning. People show this tendency when they selectively gather or remember information, or when they interpret it in a biased way.
I was recently looking at a study where they talked about these two concepts, and in it they tried to explain why these types of events are what make most people not change their minds about BITCOIN. Sometimes it just doesn't matter that the truth explodes in front of their eyes, they will always prefer under their Confirmation bias which has been developed by all the previous years where we have been subconsciously bombarded with harmful information for our correct understanding of the world around us, forming the Anchoring bias that later develops the Confirmation bias.
Personally I admit that at first I was just a non-coiner, my vision of cryptocurrencies and the world in general was a fantasy thing full of bad information, and I still didn't understand the value of Bitcoin, or its importance. Due to my own Confirmation bias planted by the years of poor quality primary, secondary and university education that gave rise to and started my Anchoring bias based on the lies that State Education provides you. Fortunately, somewhere along the way, I allowed myself to question everything, start my Bitcoin studies, and at the same time begin the brain deprogramming that allows me to look at the reality of the world and find refuge for my energy.
In those days of disbelief, I didn't know how to justify why I doubted Bitcoin. Today, I understand the sources of that problem and the basis of my ignorance, and Bitcoin 🍊 was the one who changed that. Today, I allow myself to keep moving forward while I keep stacking.
"Slowly but Sure"
I would like to know how many of my Stacker friends feel that they have been unconsciously biased in this way, until they woke up?
How did you change your mind about Bitcoin? πŸ€” I would like to know all the possible perspectives
Thanks in advance πŸ™πŸ€ 
The only way to alter your reality is to "change your mind".
It couldn't have been said better... I totally agree with you, my friend Apilador. If we change our mind, our way of thinking and seeing things, we can achieve significant changes in our environment.
i have moved around often enough that i know to not get hung up on the rules, but also do not attract too much attention.
if i do attract some negative attention or trigger someone, i compensate by excelling in many other things that are outside of those people's competence and abilities. it's not very difficult to be excellent - just do the hard work with enthusiasm.
The human being is educated or instructed to anchor himself to certain customs, thoughts which have been instilled in us and which we have believed to be correct because someone told them to us but which at the time we could never question them because we were ignorant and being able to discover or leave our comfort zone is a complete job, being able to know that our vision is wrong and that there is a new way of seeing things.
For me, it was part of a healing journey. Before I forgave myself, I didn't feel like I deserved abundance. Bitcoin was an awakening. It just clicked and I understood. I don't understand on a technical level. But I know enough about the people who want this to work. It is intuitive for me.
What's missing from these "psychology-leaning" explanations is always the social context. A huge part of why it's so difficult is that we socialize, and tie ourselves to friends, families, and groups, by the way we think about things. In these circles, some ways of thinking are normal, others are a bit outside but tolerated, others are beyond the pale.
On a larger social context, this is the Overton window, but this is a bit narrow - because the views you can hold in public are different from the ones you can safely hold and express among friends, among a certain in-group, etc.
Once you recognize how your social bonds are infused with this, it's quite easy to see why changing your mind is so difficult: yo are literally remaking the fabric of your bonds, and in the process, you might weaken or lose them.
This is used in propaganda, when certain viewpoints are smeared as beyond the pale in whichever way; partof cancel culture is making certain viewpoints so "toxic", publicly, that it creates pressure on your friends and family to either try to "re-convert" you to the "safe" viewpoint, or drop you if they can't.
This is why it's so important to have in-groups to support your viewpoints.
Good answer πŸ‘Œ
Thank you for this magnificent response loaded with a good informative dart. Understanding your explanation, social groups are very necessary where you can learn and understand new necessary aspects. For this reason I have literally distanced myself from my old social circle, they are all more normie than me, and they do not understand the things I work or study and it is absolutely difficult to get the message across to them. And on the contrary, there is SN. A social section where you can get value just by reading opinions and where our opinion finds light and value among other users. Our internal group to validate our opinions and nourish our curiosity and desire to learn more.