It's five to midnight here, the future looks bleak on the old continent, and it's very hard to believe we will be able to turn it around. Here in the UK, Labour is doubling down on the exact same causes that have produced these results. It feels these people have no intention of solving the real problems the country is facing, they have a completely different agenda which has nothing to do with the true aspirations of the majority in this country. It's so palpable.
People who are familiar with the British electoral system understand that Labour did not win the last general elections by a landslide, but it's actually the Conservatives that lost by a landslide. This is why they don't expect anything good from "two-tier" Keir, and feel vindicated every day that passes.
Here's "naughty" Kathie Hopkins making a similar assessment of the situation, but it pains me that she doesn't see beyond a political solution...
Not many people understand that politics, and the big administrative government are actually THE problem, that the incentive are set in a way that can only lead to this outcome. It's too much of a leap and only very few can mentally make that jump...