They might reject your loan if you tell them. However, I think even Peter McCormack took out a loan years ago to buy btc and the bank knew what it was for. Some banks hate bitcoin and block tx to exhanges, others see no problem as long as you can service the debt.
I would just move the money to another bank first, for privacy reasons.
So they can ask me to pay back the loan in full immediately?
I am not interested in playing games. I think in that case, I'll just tell them the truth. Their loss if they don't want to take my money
No they can only demand the monthly payment.
Sure, let us know how it went. Good luck to you.
I would also advise to dca the amount over the coming months.
Yes, I'll maybe do 500-1k of the loan per month or something. Don't want to underestimate the psychological effect of investing lump sums, hehe