I have so many thoughts on this post :)
The first of which is that I don't think most people ever become "rich on assets" and you can't become rich on time...??? None of us know how much time we have so to say you are rich on time is a false premise...
As to the rest of this idea...I can only speak for myself, but I cannot imagine ever being in a position where I would become a consumer of all things, no matter how much "money" or "assets" or whatever I had/have.... I think that the world is full of a variety of people, some of doers and others....well....aren't. That is just the way it is...those that aren't have and will continue having less than those who are and do. Some may get lucky and figure out a way to scam others of their hard earned value...but they will slowly find themselves fading into the sunset while those that are a net benefit to the natural world, will likely find themselves wildly wealthy in both value and time measures....
Alas, this still does not mean much as you can have all the time in the world but if you don't have anyone to share it with....does it really matter?