Added Nostr to lightningpicurebot, you can now use the DALLE2 text-to-image AI on Nostr with the Anigma Chat app at channel ID ca178c4ecea83fa7f7b04345be4587cf03c7d8775f50014e31caf6869a626354
Nostr is a censorship resistant protocol, it doesn't rely on any trusted central server, hence it is resilient; it is based on cryptographic keys and signatures, so it is tamperproof; it does not rely on P2P techniques, therefore it works. Anigmaapp is a Telegram clone based on the Nostr protocol.
This bot is very fun !
that is a nice implementation and people are very creative with the prompts but the AI is even more creative. its a shame the pictures only lasts a few hours, i generated some myself but also wanted to see more of what others had generated :)
I guess you could write a 2nd bot to interact with the first bot and save it to a store
That's more or less how lexica started from the discord dumps
The Telegram version is still available at and supports uncensored Stable Diffusion too
How do I choose between dalle2 or stable diffusion?
Send prompt, invoice shows up, pay invoice, below the invoice you see the 2 generator prompts and can click on one. Try it and you'll see. You can also append seeds behind the SD prompts like this: prompt /123456