Another thought. I often share spaces with people that oppose my views. If I'm honest its probably most of the time.
I often attend events like concerts. I work with people. I go to church with people. I have neighbors. The vast majority of them disagree with me. I get along with them for the most part. Why? Because in these situations and spaces they aren't forcing their views on me by force. I'm not doing this to them either. There's a lesson there. One few are interested in teaching.
Those that rule over us use division to gain power and to control us. They use fear of the other to keep us in line. They use fear of most possible outcomes to make us push logic out of our minds.
I'm not kidding myself. I know most people are just followers. But chances are, you aren't a follower if you are into bitcoin or a stacker. You aren't perfectly logical either, but you probably aren't average. Think. Use your mind. Use empathy.
No matter who wins this current election we will still have division and hatred that we have now. Don't kid yourself. Elections aren't going to fix divisions. At least that I can see.
this territory is moderated
If the state (particularly the national one) were less powerful there would simply be less scope for political conflict. That's the version of compromise that I think could alleviate the need for separation.
The problem is that the path to a less powerful state runs against pretty much everything we know about Public Choice Theory. Secession is far more plausible.
Agreed. Part of the reason the conflicts are intensifying is because the power of the Federal government is growing, so more feels at stake.
We need more federalism