We (humans) are incredibly selfish. The current political system feeds into this flaw. Most people just operate in what do I want mode. And I want someone to fight for me. Those that have more empathy are often pulled in one direction and those with less are pulled in the other direction.
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humans are not inherently evil or good; they become this way. men and women are programmable and are programmed since birth.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
I disagree. Humans have both good and evil in them. You see selfishness in children from an early age. But yes, we are all very influenceable as well but we aren't a blank slate. Its both IMO.
If you read the Bible cover to cover it basically shows this. The fall of man, the redemption of man through Christ.
if my view is true, when did the programming really start?
Adam and Eve in the garden by the serpent.