After the presidential elections on July 28, 2024, the dictatorship cut diplomatic relations with several countries, including: Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, among others, being the countries mentioned where the majority of exiled Venezuelans are located, the Maduro government ordered the closure of the Venezuelan consulates in these countries and expelling consular workers from the aforementioned countries; That is to say, Venezuelans who live in Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Uruguay can no longer process passports, safe-conduct passes, apostilles and other consular procedures, if any of us wishes to carry out a procedure we must travel to the nearest country that has a Venezuelan consulate, it can be Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia or failing that, travel directly to Venezuela to carry out the required procedures.
After Venezuelans had been waiting for 3 months to know how or where they would pick up their passports, on September 25, SAIME (the institution in charge of the documents) issued this statement:
"Venezuelans who are outside the country and have processed their passport through the consulates that are closed, can go to our main office in Caracas to pick up the travel document." • Now, as one of the typical decisions of the narco-regime dictatorship imposed restrictions on Venezuelans to enter the country, we cannot enter Venezuela with an expired passport or ID, something that goes against the constitution. Basically we would be or are illegal Venezuelans in Venezuela (?) the joke tells itself.
Article 50: Every person may move freely and by any means throughout the national territory, change his or her domicile and residence, leave the Republic and return, transfer his or her goods and belongings within the country, bring his or her goods into the country or take them out, with no limitations other than those established by law. In the event of the granting of routes, the law shall establish the cases in which the use of an alternative route must be guaranteed. Venezuelan men and women may enter the country without the need for any authorization.
No act of the Public Power may establish the penalty of banishment from the national territory against Venezuelans. • Venezuela does not accept the entry of Venezuelans into the territory with expired passports (video) • Putting everything into context, how is a person supposed to go to Venezuela to get a new passport if they cannot enter Venezuela with the old passport?
In addition, there are no Venezuelan consulates to process safe-conduct passes and they do not accept the safe-conduct pass provided by the immigration office of the country where you reside.
Much less can we travel to the countries of Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia to go to the Venezuelan consulate to carry out some procedure, because it is necessary to enter these countries with a valid passport, in the case of Bolivia you can enter with a valid ID.
Most Venezuelans who emigrated more than 5 years ago and have not been able to return to Venezuela do not have a valid identity card and the consulates do not process this document. • • The latest statement so far:
Today we had a meeting with the authorities of SAIME, the Airport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and INAC to clarify the issue of entry with expired passports or safe-conduct passes. The details are below:
Date: October 2, 2024
Place: Maiquetia Airport.
Attendees: Representatives of SAIME, INAC, Chancellery, Airlines, AVAVIT, ALAV, AVEMAREP, CONSETURISMO.
Since last Friday, the measure of entering Venezuela only with a valid Venezuelan passport has been reinforced. There are exceptions and procedures clarified below:
  • Venezuelan passengers with dual nationality will be able to enter the country with the expired Venezuelan passport, without Safe Conduct
  • Passengers with legal residence in other countries may enter the country with the expired Venezuelan passport without a Safe Conduct
  • Venezuelan passengers without legal residence in another country must request a Safe Conduct Pass.
  • The MERCOSUR Agreement that allows travel with only an identity card remains in force, in this case, only on direct flights without stopovers from MERCOSUR member countries, currently only available with flights from Bolivia.
  • The travel document or safe-conduct permit allows transit in another country (not exceeding 5 hours) without migrating there, this is because it only authorizes flying to the final destination, Venezuela.
  • To leave Venezuela, a valid Venezuelan passport is required.
An email address was created: where those who require it can clarify doubts and present particular cases.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports:
Starting on Monday, October 14, 2024, a link will be available through which only citizens who are in countries where there is no consular representation will be assisted, there they will be able to process their safe-conduct or travel document digitally. This document processed in this way will be exempt from the payment of fees and will be sent via email to the applicant. The procedure and other details will be informed via a communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the coming days.
  • Countries that have consular representation will continue to assist Venezuelans who are in them, issuing the respective safe-conduct passes in person at their offices and under the procedures they were already applying. In this case, payment of consular fees for this procedure ($60) is required.
The safe-conduct pass or travel document must be processed no more than 72 hours before the trip. This document includes the flight details. The application can be made with an expired passport and then request the safe-conduct pass with the flight details. If there are any changes to the flights, a new safe-conduct pass must be processed.
There is the possibility of processing emergencies directly through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which must be duly documented and specifically respond to health issues or stranded passengers.
At the airport. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate emergency requests.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 8 Oct
Putting everything into context, how is a person supposed to go to Venezuela to get a new passport if they cannot enter Venezuela with the old passport?
That's nuts. Question. If I'm not Venezuelan, could I get a visa and take a holiday in Venezuela?
I'm just trying to work how retarded this is.
It's more stupid than you imagine, you just have to go to a consulate, process a visa and that's it, you can go enjoy Los Roques or wherever you want to go, but being more careful of the national guard and police than of criminals.
As a Venezuelan, I feel great indignation knowing that a dictatorship that has remained in power through fraud wants to prohibit us from entering our own country, thus denying us the ability to visit our relatives and loved ones.