USSR conceded defeat when the USA worked with the Teleban to block the export of vast oil and gas reserves in central asia Khazakstan by the USSR. Empires like the USSR and USA are dependent ultimately upon economic viability. Today USA is losing the economic war with China- while still in control of most international protocols and with a stronger overall military the strength of the US is trending downward while Chinas strength is trending upward. Today with both Iran and Russia reliant upon China for both export of their oil and gas and for supply of most manufactured goods China is demonstrating an alternative to US hegemony. Russia economy today is 1/50th the size of Chinas. Putin has made Russia a Chinese tributary. If the Saudis were to agree to ditching USD petro dollar then the USA would be insolvent very swiftly and China would emerge as the dominant global power. This trend looks unlikely to reverse as USA continues with its decadent internal dysfunction.
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Not sure what point you are making. Seems interesting but unrelated.
My ultimate point was that as bad as things were during the fall of the USSR it is likely better to live in Russia today than it was back then. And the fall was largely peaceful. My point is that the US empire will fall and I don't hear many alternative futures being put forward that make sense to me. Ones where the many cultures in the US can co-exist under one national government.
Are you serious??? Today Russia is a war crimes committing police state where citizens have zero freedom of speech and the economy is now entirely dependent upon China. Putin is Xis proxy war waging bitch.
Yes, agree the USA empire looks like falling soon but the known facts point to the most probable new empire one that is directed from China, sure as hell not Russia. Chinas economy is huge compared to Russia and Chinas ability to build a new empire including trade payments independent of SWIFT is already operational and demonstrable- Russia is just a tribute state dependency of Chinas emerging new empire.