I'm more for the staking approach, so ranking based on how many Sats it's received, because:
  1. it's more focused on the content rather than the creators.
  2. you're helping create a circular economy, and repay the 'curators' of quality content.
  3. i think this is the simplest approach to understand actually.
this will have interesting implications:
  • This may actually help to understand what the community is most interested in, judging by what's at the top
  • will create arbitration opportunities, with 'searchers' looking fo quality content at the bottom of the page.
the main problem i see:
  • how long does the content live in SN for? what if it existed for exactly 24 hrs? and then disappeared, leaving room for the others? this may be better than clearing ALL content every 24 hrs.
Check out RARA's incentive mechanism in their NFT RA!CE (based on a token): Sounds similar to what RARA is doing with a token, but is much more scalable and interesting with lightning. https://rara.mirror.xyz/pkz9TVZYk0Va2ygupo-SQbMMSC0C1PsaiT3SkhgybaY