This contains valid critiques of LN, however the butthurtedness of an antagonist coder complaining of not feeling herd enough is not constructive. There are well known limitations of LN and it will take time to find solutions to these problems such as channel closures, but the remainder of the article is making allot of assumptions about how LN will take shape in a hyperbitcoinized environment and going to great lengths to knock down these strawmen. The altcoiner's automatic assumption is that if bitcoin won't change now, then it will never change. I similarly held this belief. The orange pill requires one to slow down and let bitcoin's tectonic movement be what it is and trust the code will respond to market forces and not the petulant demand for immediate gratification from every junior csci graduate.
I think you are using the wrong link there. I'm going to assume you meant the guy and not satoshi
This contains valid critiques of LN, however the butthurtedness of an antagonist coder complaining of not feeling herd enough is not constructive
The truthcoin guy is actually a bitcoin maxi and dev, and he spoke out against the cocksize increase:
His whole angle (which I disagree with) is that both increasing the block size sucks and also LN sucks. He shills his own "sidechains" idea (BIP300/BIP301). I don't know if I would call him an altcoiner, but he does seem to support adding many features from altcoins into bitcoin through soft forks.
Yes I meant the truthcoin link. The side-chain (like liquid) might be a solution, but in the end what people are going to want is the ability to move around bitcoin instantaneously without paying mining fees and waiting for block confirmations. This while still having the option to "cash out" of layer two and move their coins to more secure cold storage. This notion that everyone needs to run their own full lightning node with a dozen channels is ridiculous. There is plenty of room for improvement with LN, and there are already many movements in this direction (like fedimint) but I doubt anyone thinks layer two is as virtually set in stone as layer one should be.