Look at you, look at you while everyone else, or while almost everyone else, is enthralled, sucked into the whole circus. The whole theater is the election of the next CEO of the U.S. Corporation. It is consuming everyone's minds and energy.
You're here to work on yourself. You're here to reclaim your sovereignty. You're here to keep learning and growing. Not only that, but you're here to step into your power. That's amazing. I want to congratulate you. I can't control it, but more folks like you will step into the public sphere. We want to rule ourselves, not be subjects of your nonsense.
I want to acknowledge you for showing up in that spirit, and for being in that minority of folks who know that it's all theater, it's all a big show. We have learned that money is everything, and brings you happiness and freedom. The reality is that there is no money, your reputation is the currency. What is money, then? It is a unit of exchange that is generally limited in supply, it's got certain properties, it has inherent value, it's a store of value, so it's an asset. That's why, under the U.S. Constitution, only gold and silver coins are lawful money. Gold and silver are considered assets. Many people will have some of both, along with other precious metals. These metals do have actual intrinsic properties: gold has certain alchemical healing properties. Silver as well. Both can be ingested for their healing properties. They also have other uses. They are in electronics, silverware, and some instruments.
The point is that they have the value they have, inherent value, and that's one of the biggest things that makes the money a unit of exchange. Because we don't need to confer any value on them. They already have value, and that's what makes it easier for us to agree that that is the money. The issue is, unless you've been living under a rock for almost 100 years, we haven't been using real money, gold, or silver. Most of the world, including the U.S., has not used a currency backed by gold or silver, either. Maybe you didn't realize that but basically in 1933 through the Emergency Banking Relief act in the United States of America, which was which is also known as house joint resolution 192, which became known as public law 73-10…
The excuse was that some are hoarding gold and silver. This would damage the currency. So, the authorities felt they had to protect their economy, not yours. That's how we've got to prohibit using gold and silver to pay debts. This contradicts the original US Constitution. It says only gold and silver can be used by the states. This is part of how they got away with it, for payment of debts for the state it's okay, makes sense because a debt is basically IOU money. So how are you going to pay a debt? You're going to pay with money, right? You'll return the borrowed money. It makes perfect sense if you think about it that way. But now, in the post-1933 era, almost 100 years since there is no real money in circulation, well what the heck are we working with?
I know you guys are sharp; you probably already know all this. All this until here is for the newbies; we always have some newbies showing up saying like, “What? There's no money? What are you talking about? … and that's cool. If you're new, that's great. Welcome! This could be a big revelation for you. I don't want to be in an echo chamber. I want to talk to folks who may not like what I'm saying. This may disturb you at first. But it isn't bad news. It may seem like it, but there is no money.
When the money was taken away, yes, real money, gold and silver, it was prohibited from use. That happened gradually, until the 1970s, when they finally removed the ability to exchange a certificate. Yes, a dollar used to be a certificate for a certain amount of gold and silver on deposit in the central bank, that you could still go and redeem. If you look at some older dollar notes, you can see that. If you go look at dollar bills, or any other denomination, they all say Federal Reserve Note. So what's a note, then? Well, a note is one of several types of negotiable instruments; basically, it is evidence of a debt, also known as a promise to pay.
Now, instead of real assets or cash, we have promises to pay. We also have orders to pay, like checks and money orders. We are constantly ordering payments of a certain amount, which is also a negotiable instrument, pay to the order… It's all promises and orders to pay money in the future. In the future, a new paradigm will have been in place. It's been slowly put in place, and you'd be unaware of it. It's like someone pulled the wool over your eyes.
There's no real education on this. Schools aren't teaching it, except maybe some small private ones. They're treating the new Federal Reserve notes as the same as the old certificates. They are very different.
Money must be minted from gold and silver, which are limited in supply. Unless you're God, you can't create new gold. So, that's a strict limit on money. But, with negotiable instruments, that all goes away. You're creating currency with your signature.
Now, the Federal Reserve notes aren't created by you. They're created by the Federal Reserve Bank and signed by the chairman and the treasury secretary. But your signature can and does create more currency. This is a big revelation for some folks. When you sign a document with a social security number, you create currency worth the value of that document. It's even more than that. When you sign a loan application or any application for money, you create more currency. The fractional reserve banking system allows this. The banks can go to the Federal Reserve and exchange that note for up to nine times its face value in Federal Reserve notes. You only need to have one-tenth of the value on deposit.
So, if the money was taken away long ago, and now it's your signature that creates it, a good question is: why? What is it about your signature that allows you to create currency? And why don't most people know this?
Why is this not more widely known? It's a best-kept secret for 90 years. It's only come out in the last 10 to 20 years. Why? We may never know the true reason for the changes. Unless we can read the minds of those who made them, it's hard to say. Some believe in a spiritual evolution beyond the 3D world. I don't think it's all bad, as some do.
There is a fair truth: if money is taken away, it matters. So, I guess the founders of modern banking, being occultists, knew it. An occultist seeks hidden knowledge. They knew we live in a realm of natural law. Spiritual laws operate primarily in the mental realm. You can't create an imbalance without providing a remedy.
So, if they take away something, and it causes a big imbalance, something must restore fairness. Otherwise, the whole system will collapse under natural law. In other words, they have to create a remedy. If you knew about it, you could escape that new system. You could never be a slave without your consent. Natural law would prevent that.
Are you still with me? If this is new to you, it's okay to go back and review it. It can take a few tries for all this to sink in. So, let's recap.
Money is an asset. For example, gold and silver are assets. They have intrinsic value and a limited supply. They have stored value. We don't need to give them value; we need to recognize it. They also have other properties, like being fungible. Every two gold coins are essentially the same. They're interchangeable, which is great for trade.
So, money has all those properties. Then, starting in 1933, all that money was taken away. It was exchanged for a system where you can create currency with your signature. We call that negotiable instruments (or commercial paper). These include promissory notes, bills of exchange, checks, and money orders. Knowing how to use these negotiable instruments is the remedy. It's a remedy hidden in plain sight.
Why did I say, “reputation is the new currency”? Once you deeper study all this, you'll agree. Essentially, we're trading negotiable instruments. We're using Federal Reserve notes, and iis your signature that creates currency. We call them credits. They're today only numbers in a computer system. Your signature also creates a value specified on some document, like a bond. Oh, btw, bonds are another example of negotiable instruments.
To clarify, a bond, an application, a promissory note, a bill of exchange, and a money order are all negotiable instruments. They are all promises to pay a specific amount of money in the future, authorized by your signature. They connect back to some treasury bond, birth certificate, or other security held by an agency for its value. Most often, it's a birth certificate, but for naturalized citizens, it might be their certificate of naturalization.
Now, let me share a cultural reference for fun. Have any of you watched a show called The Orville? It's by Seth MacFarlane, who also stars in it. It aired about 6 to 8 years ago. In The Orville, there's a captain and a first officer, Lieutenant Commander Kelly Grayson. People in the show would ask how they could operate without money. In their society, there was no exchange of promissory notes. It's all reputation. At one point, Commander Grayson said, “Our reputation is our currency.” I almost fell off my chair! That's exactly right.
I suspect the bankers who set up the banking system knew this. They knew that those who would thrive in the new paradigm would have a good reputation. The word “reputation” comes from “re” (again) and “putare” (to judge). To discover again, or to judge anew. There's a famous Bible quote about knowing them by their fruits. It means you'll know them by their actions, which create their reputation.
So, if you are an honorable person, true to your word, you will build a good reputation. If you act with balance—not just taking but also giving—you will be trusted. Over time, your good reputation will be your wealth. Your currency is your wealth. Reputation has been a kind of currency forever. In this new paradigm, where we're not using money, it's more important than ever.
As you learn about this new banking paradigm, you could be angry and combative. You could shout, “End the Fed! Give me my credits!” But you could also be honorable. You could build relationships, even with those “insiders” in the banking system. This would help you maximize the value of using negotiable instruments. You could learn to draw those credits from your accounts. Someone would help you because of your good reputation. Reputation is the new currency. There's no reason to be angry or combative. Yes, we've been lied to and deceived. Mortgages are a fraud because they're paid for with your signature, not wiith money. They didn't tell you that. it was in the fine print, and you didn't read it. And even if you did you probably did not comprehend it.
Taking responsibility is the honorable way to deal with it. You build a reputation as someone who takes responsibility. There has been abuse and deception, but you must accept it. Remember, staying in honor is about acceptance. I accept it, and I return it. I will change my behavior. Amazing, isn't it? Are we willing to change? We've had to do it a couple of times in our life. Likewise, we would suffer more if we didn't. We have always had a choice. Free will is always in play.
That's how they get away with the fraud: you consent to it. You don't take the time to read the fine print or learn how it all works. Let's be honest, you're being lazy. You just want what you feel you deserve. You sign quickly, getting caught up in the emotions of buying a house. That must be an incredible feeling! So, start investing in being the best person you can be. You're investing in your reputation. That's where the game starts to change.
Education is very important. Never stop learning or growing. There's always something new to learn. You can always improve. This is true in life, not with your banking processes. Keep leveling up. Invest in your reputation. Your actions will matter as you reveal the fraud. More of it will come to light. We don't know what will happen, but there are agendas at play.
Those leading them want to create certain outcomes, like the new digital currency. There are real agendas to take things to the next level. They may or may not have an impact. Keep going. Maximize your output in the current paradigm. Focus on what has always mattered: creating value and adding it.
Alright, enough! I have given words to what I wanted to share, thanks for reaching till here. Now will be nice to read yours.
Taking responsibility is the honorable way to deal with it. You build a reputation as someone who takes responsibility.
Well said! So much truth in this excellent post.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo OP 9 Oct
Thanks for your comment. It’s a long way, worth the effort to invest time and energy on it.
I see you with this post that you studied and researched a lot. So many details in there that very few comprehend the importance of it. I really like it.
Excellent post, thanks for sharing your thoughts 💭 friend @ mes with us and we must certainly remember to work on ourselves every day. The world seeks to govern us but we are already aware of everything.
Thanks. It’s indeed an internal work that need to be done, a change of perspective. There’s no need to feel governed, it’s just a manner to better place yourself and recognise you are playing 3 different rules in the game of society. We have forgot the most important one
I like you ;-) we would get along
We are already, no?
Great thoughts, an there are so many things that can be said about all of this!
What you write about actually has been the core of many things that I've been doing for years, and certainly something I have been gearing up for the past couple of years, to get serious and very vocal about it all.
I'll mention a few anecdotes, thoughts and strategies instead of writing a long essay as an answer:
Even back in 99 I ended up totally out of fiat in the middle of Christmas, for a few days I even had no food left, no banks open and so on. Which is when I finally spent the silver coins I'd gotten from drunkards in 87, unfortunately for the nominal value only.
I didn't even remember this until 2020 hit, then it all came back to when I started analyzing everything that had happened since my first real jobs at around 14-15!
Fiat thinking totally obliterated that memory, that is what I see in retrospect...
I've never been going along with the whole system really, and after the GFC I kinda ramped up my rebellious side. Building on reputation I did some stunts in the open source community, on the business side, and its only this year that I finally see how each point of failure was connected to fiat and reputation in some way!
There is a reputation system in open source of course, and although it is separate from fiat it is still connected, and you have to play things the right way to survive. But even around 15 years ago now I see that wokeism was the real culprit, and does not that come from fiat printing?
And does not wokism come from trust between and amongst the banksters and corporatists, along with government only?
Is it not the case that at least on higher levels sane, down to earth businesses are now excluded?
The freedom movement
Although I constantly feel that things are moving too slow for me the goal has been to make it into this new, many faceted movement since 2020 happened, and that with at least a shot at surviving outside the whole fiat system.
And for that you really need to build up trust! No problem with that on its own, it actually feels like scaling a mountain, feeling that fresh and cooling breeze and leaving all fiat lies & insane BS behind!
Its what I'm made for, its what I've been doing in hidden ways since the end of the Cold War, its what I'm willing to risk it all for!
But fighting the smart fight, not getting out of the gate as a wild lion & then get pinned down or worse is also necessary... Which is why I've had to wait things out, where I'm at now won't allow dissent, which is fine, it was a good deal at the time.
The world is changing so rapidly, and personal reputation like what we can build here is everything. My plan and strategy therefore the past year or so has been to become Rebel Nomad :-)
I'm good at dodging radars, starting from scratch, navigating a culture while avoiding pitfalls, and hopefully ultimately at buidling the new in defiance. I do hope and expect "freedom oasises" to be a real thing in the near future.
Maybe there will be Bitcoin citadels too, El Salvador for sure is that already, but since I cannot do that and need to move around a bit for personal reasons I'll buidl on the move.
And for that outlets like SN are invaluable... So thanks @koob and the rest for that, it will never be forgotten! Actually its by far the best platform by far for me to get this wild thing going...
I humbly disagree. Have you taken a Mercury dime out to buy something lately? It takes some dickering, but you can still buy a loaf of decent bread (not fluff bread). Gold and silver are still money to people who recognize it for what it is.
I feel you maybe don’t grasp the message I wanted to send. Attachment to phisically goods it’s irrelevant when you prioritize relationships.