Does air drums count if so I’ve been playing them for years 🫠
But in all seriousness no instruments or musical history
this territory is moderated
Then best bet is just work on some basic chords. C, G, A, Am, E, Em, D.
Work on making sure you aren’t muting strings when playing. Play slowly so you can learn how to change chords.
Start by down strumming only and then when you can alternate down, up, down, up etc.
Strings are numbered 1-6 from bottom (thinnest) to top (thickest). Open string notes are:
E(6) A(5) D(4) G(3) B(2) E(1)
The high E (1st string) is 2 octaves (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do x 2).
That’s probably enough info to get you started.
Great tips. I’ve found doing up strumming a lot harder to get all strings. Probably just getting ahead of myself
That’s why it’s best to start with down only. Focus on working on your chords and chord changes. You can learn basic strumming patterns pretty easily with a bit of practice.
Once you feel comfortable with the chords you are working with and changing them without long pauses to adjust your fingers you can work on your strumming.
Honestly for now I would just strum 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 and then change chord and repeat and then change back and repeat and then add a couple more chords and do the same.
Would you learn all the majors first or do you learn all the g variants
Makes sense.