I typically would publish a story like this here but on September 10th my Committee held a hearing over Commercial Space. One of our witnesses was Kelvin Coleman an Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation within the Federal Aviation Administration. During this hearing both Republicans and Democrats skewed him over how the FAA was handling various things in Commercial Space with Subcommittee Chairman Babin and other pushing for SpaceX answers. Mr. Coleman definitely left the hearing wishing he could take back numerous statement he made about SpaceX and Starship. At one point during the hearing he actually made the comment
I shouldn’t have said that.
That’s about the worse thing a witness can do as it would be better if they lied and just played into it. By admitting it during the hearing… big oof!
Spacex will send man to mars by the end of trumps term. Super exciting!
It’ll be close given the launches can occur only every 2 years… I do expect Elon to attempt some sort of rover/delivery in 2026 so he can at least have some pieces in place for 2028!
Some people dont have experience in court.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 9 Oct
lol a Congressional hearing isn’t exactlyyyyy court but yeah kinda close lol
He also should have had someone prepare him.