I saw your comment in Stacker Salon about being disappointed in the responses so while I feel in my initial comment I addressed a key issue facing any solution I want to run through the ones you came up with and see if I might scratch the itch of a new one.
Starting with Force I mean I hate to be that person but if you deploy a Left vs Right fight I honest to God don’t think it is fair. Obviously the Left will have severe issues and to help them out you give them the US military. Well given what we have seen in Ukraine and giving wild ass rednecks free rain kinda negates each other as bombing the Right into oblivion will only foster resentment from those left alive leading to and insurgency.
Compromise is by far the best and at the end of the day people need to remember that while the Founders wanted a “strong” central government they didn’t want one that marched over states rights. The issue preventing a solution here as terrible as it sounds is nothing “to bad” has happened from either side to force themselves to look in the mirror. The youth wants to change the world and compromise seems to have missed the majority of the generation. The idea of no or I don’t agree has been bent into somehow attacking them.
Divide… hypothetically let’s say the US divided up. Well the farmers in Cali’s Central Valley are pretty deep red while most major cities are blue. I’m not sure how you are able to divide anything up then without internal conflict breaking out within the states. Imagine the farmers in Cali just stop growing food not only does it hit the state but the rest of the other states as well.
Solution… I hate to be the one that says it but some major world altering event needs to occur. Be it aliens land on earth, a terror attack or war breaks out across the world nothing brings together a country like an existential threat. Politics and media have gone so far one way or another a reset is needed. How that happens I have no clue but given the state of the world it isn’t a crazy thing. Democrats are warmongers with Ukraine but not with Israel Republicans are isolationists except with Israel.
Israel could very well be the key. Either that or a good old EMP to fry all of our phones and computers to pump the breaks on social media. Hopefully this is something that tickles your itch.
EDIT: On Cap Hill it’s sadly hilarious how much Members tend to get along within the complex then rain fire on each other outside. Neither party has a true unifying leader and that is severely needed.
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