Install the best circular-route rebalancing tool for the Lightning Network

If you already have Go installed, you can skip to step 2. To check if it's installed:
go version
If it returns the version, it means Go is installed and configured.
  • Note: Versions of Go higher than the one used in this tutorial may not work with Regolancer.

1. Install Go

If you don’t have Go installed on your machine, follow these instructions:
  1. Go to the official Go website:
  2. Download the appropriate Go version for your system (usually amd64).
  1. Install Go following the instructions provided on the website. On Linux, for example, you can follow the commands below to install Go (assuming version 1.23.2; adjust the version if necessary):
wget sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
  1. Check if Go was installed correctly by running:
go version
This should return the Go version installed:
  1. To ensure Go is set up correctly and the binary is accessible from anywhere, add the ~/go/bin path to your PATH. Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file (or ~/.zshrc depending on your shell):
sudo nano ~/.bashrc # Add after the last line: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
  1. After adding this line, update the terminal:
source ~/.bashrc

2. Install Regolancer

  1. Now that Go is installed, you can install Regolancer using the go install command. This command will download the source code of Regolancer and compile it for your machine. Run the following command in the terminal:
go install
This will download, compile, and install the regolancer binary in the ~/go/bin/regolancer directory.
  1. Check if Regolancer was installed correctly by running the following command to see its help options:
regolancer --help
This should display the command options of Regolancer, confirming the installation:
Usage: regolancer [OPTIONS] Application Options: -------------------- Config: -f, --config config file path Node Connection: -c, --connect connect to lnd using host:port -t, --tlscert path to tls.cert to connect --macaroon-dir path to the macaroon directory --macaroon-filename macaroon filename -n, --network bitcoin network to use Common: --pfrom channels with less than this inbound liquidity percentage will be considered as source channels --pto channels with less than this outbound liquidity percentage will be considered as target channels -p, --perc use this value as both pfrom and pto from above -a, --amount amount to rebalance --rel-amount-to calculate amount as the target channel capacity fraction (for example, 0.2 means you want to achieve at most 20% target channel local balance) --rel-amount-from calculate amount as the source channel capacity fraction (for example, 0.2 means you want to achieve at most 20% source channel remote balance) -b, --probe-steps if the payment fails at the last hop try to probe lower amount using this many steps --allow-rapid-rebalance if a rebalance succeeds the route will be used for further rebalances until criteria for channels is not satifsied --min-amount if probing is enabled this will be the minimum amount to try -i, --exclude-channel-in (DEPRECATED) don't use this channel as incoming (can be specified multiple times) -o, --exclude-channel-out (DEPRECATED) don't use this channel as outgoing (can be specified multiple times) --exclude-from don't use this node or channel as source (can be specified multiple times) --exclude-to don't use this node or channel as target (can be specified multiple times) -e, --exclude-channel (DEPRECATED) don't use this channel at all (can be specified multiple times) -d, --exclude-node (DEPRECATED) don't use this node for routing (can be specified multiple times) --exclude don't use this node or your channel for routing (can be specified multiple times) --exclude-channel-age don't use channels opened less than this number of blocks ago --to try only this channel or node as target (should satisfy other constraints too; can be specified multiple times) --from try only this channel or node as source (should satisfy other constraints too; can be specified multiple times) --fail-tolerance a payment that differs from the prior attempt by this ppm will be cancelled --allow-unbalance-from (DEPRECATED) let the source channel go below 50% local liquidity, use if you want to drain a channel; you should also set --pfrom to >50 --allow-unbalance-to (DEPRECATED) let the target channel go above 50% local liquidity, use if you want to refill a channel; you should also set --pto to >50 -r, --econ-ratio economical ratio for fee limit calculation as a multiple of target channel fee (for example, 0.5 means you want to pay at max half the fee you might earn for routing out of the target channel) --econ-ratio-max-ppm limits the max fee ppm for a rebalance when using econ ratio -F, --fee-limit-ppm don't consider the target channel fee and use this max fee ppm instead (can rebalance at a loss, be careful) -l, --lost-profit also consider the source channel fee when looking for profitable routes so that route_fee < target_fee * econ_ratio - source_fee Node Cache: --node-cache-filename save and load other nodes information to this file, improves cold start performance --node-cache-lifetime nodes with last update older than this time (in minutes) will be removed from cache after loading it --node-cache-info show red and cyan 'x' characters in routes to indicate node cache misses and hits respectively Timeouts: --timeout-rebalance max rebalance session time in minutes --timeout-attempt max attempt time in minutes --timeout-info max general info query time (local channels, node id etc.) in seconds --timeout-route max channel selection and route query time in seconds Others: -s, --stat save successful rebalance information to the specified CSV file -v, --version show program version and exit --info show rebalance information -h, --help Show this help message

3. Configuring the config.json File

  1. Create a configuration file for Regolancer, typically named config.json. This file contains the parameters needed for Regolancer to know which channels to rebalance and the fee/route options.
sudo mkdir ~/regolancer sudo nano ~/regolancer/config.json
  1. Copy and paste the following configuration:
{ "macaroon_dir": "/data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/", "macaroon_filename": "admin.macaroon", "network": "mainnet", "tlscert": "/data/lnd/tls.cert", "econ_ratio": 0.80, "amount": 201000, "min_amount": 5000, "probe_steps": 15, "allow-rapid-rebalance": true, "pfrom": 90, "pto": 30, "stat": "rebalances.csv", "lost_profit": true, "exclude_from": [], "to": [], "timeout_rebalance": 900, "timeout_attempt": 60, "timeout_info": 30, "timeout_route": 180 }
  • macaroon_dir: Directory where the macaroon file is located, needed for authentication with the lnd daemon.
  • macaroon_filename: Name of the macaroon file, typically admin.macaroon.
  • network: Network your node is running on, set to mainnet.
  • tlscert: Path to the TLS certificate used for secure communication between Regolancer and lnd.
  • econ_ratio: Economic ratio for fee calculation. 0.80 means rebalancing will be attempted if the cost is up to 80% of the outbound channel fee.
  • amount: Default amount for rebalancing (201,000 sats).
  • min_amount: Minimum amount to rebalance (5,000 sats).
  • probe_steps: Number of steps for probing routes (15 steps).
  • allow-rapid-rebalance: Enables fast rebalancing without additional time limits.
  • pfrom: Inbound liquidity percentage allowed from a source channel for rebalancing (90%).
  • pto: Outbound liquidity minimum required in a target channel for rebalancing (30%).
  • stat: File where rebalance statistics will be saved (rebalances.csv).
  • lost_profit: Whether to calculate lost profit from failed rebalances (set to true).
  • timeout_rebalance: Max time in seconds for the entire rebalance session (900 seconds).
  • timeout_attempt: Max time in seconds for each attempt (60 seconds).
  • timeout_info: Max time in seconds to gather node information (30 seconds).
  • timeout_route: Max time in seconds to calculate the rebalance route (180 seconds).
  1. Running Regolancer: With the configuration ready, you can run Regolancer using the config file you created. Replace /path/to/your/config.json with the full path to your configuration file.
regolancer --config /path/to/your/config.json # example: regolancer --config /home/admin/regolancer/config.json
  1. Using Node Cache (optional): This option allows Regolancer to store node information for faster queries on future runs
regolancer --config /path/to/your/config.json --node-cache-filename /path/to/cache.dat
  1. Set Additional Parameters (optional):
regolancer --config /path/to/your/config.json --node-cache-lifetime 720 # Cache valid for 12 hours

4. BONUS: Regolancer-Controller By BRLN

The regolancer-controller is a tool developed to complement Regolancer, automating and managing the control of channel rebalancing in the Lightning Network. Its main goal is to provide additional control and monitoring, making the process more efficient and scalable, especially in complex operations with multiple channels and nodes.
Key Features of Regolancer-Controller:
1. Rebalancing Automation: Automatically configures and executes channel rebalancing. 2. Monitoring and Logs: Provides real-time monitoring and detailed logs. 3. Scheduled Execution: Allows scheduled rebalances. 4. Flexible Configurations: Various configurable parameters.
Access the repository on GitHub to see how the regolancer-controller can simplify your liquidity management:
👉 Check out the regolancer-controller here

5. Running the Controller as a Service

1. Create the Service File

  1. First, create the systemd service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/regolancer-controller.service
  1. Paste the following content into the file:
[Unit] Description=Regolancer Controller After=lnd.service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/regolancer-controller/ WorkingDirectory=/path/to/regolancer-controller/ Restart=always User=<user> StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal [Install]
  • Replace /path/to/regolancer-controller/ with the correct path to the script.
  • Replace <user> with the user who should run the service.
  • Save and close the file (Ctrl + O to save, Ctrl + X to exit).

2. Reload Systemd Services

  1. After creating the file, reload the systemd services so the new service is recognized:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

3. Start and Enable the Service

  1. To start the service:
sudo systemctl start regolancer-controller.service
  1. To enable the service at boot:
sudo systemctl enable regolancer-controller.service

4. Check Service Status

  1. To check if the service is running correctly:
sudo systemctl status regolancer-controller.service

5. View Service Logs

  1. To check the service logs for troubleshooting:
sudo journalctl -fu regolancer-controller
  1. To view logs from the beginning:
sudo journalctl -xeu regolancer-controller
You'll have to make it easier.
For those using arm or following raspibolt guide:
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @jddska 9 Oct
better than LNDg?
I think so
Make it easy
Why would you do this?
Channel rebalancing
Ahh automatic rebalancing?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 9 Oct
Very well written tutorial! It would be good to link to some Regolancer reference/web in the beginning of the tutorial, so it's easier to look up what is this about.
For sure! I forgot that