Many people are cheering the advance of Russia, China and brics in general as a good thing in comparison to the decaing west. The east has always had collective ideas and low respect for the individual, if China becomes the new empire it probably will be much worse than the Anglo-american empire. For example try to find libertarians groups in china or in russia. We must be careful for what we wish for, nothing is bad that can't get worse. If you're a christian as me, that's also a big issue, think about how many christian martyrs were killed in China, they(the chinese state) are not our friends.
I think the idea is that BRICS may undermine the most toxic elements of the west, first and foremost being dollar hegemony. No one that I've seen is rooting for the west to be ruled over by the BRICS nations or union.
I agree, and it's ridiculous how many wars the american empirehas done, and right now how many military bases they have all over the globe, especially those in Germany and Italy. But states are states and the biggest tends to become an empire, I don't think china just wants a multipolar world. I hope I am wrong, the dollar dies, russia gets backing selling gas and oil to europe and china builds its silkroad belt to make business and not war.
I dont think anyone wants china or russia to be in charge if their money.
I dont think brics will do well. Just a matter of time before it falls apart.