TL;DR This is the new manner of changing “our democracy” from a republic to a mobocracy. Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the founders warned about this situation. If you value your freedom (notice I did not say liberty) be aware that this is the move being made by the current administration. How could matters be even worse?
Pluralism in a democracy vs. a republic
Pluralism was the native condition of America at its birth. It arose from the coexistence of groups within the political community who held different views in regard to the most supreme questions concerning the nature and destiny of man, which are basically religious. The founders of our country had to figure out how a community of such incompatible faiths could come together as a society, agree to live in peace and cooperate to achieve the material goals of the community. Their solution was the U.S. Constitution, a set of principles that motivated the various religious groups, despite their differences, to participate in the political process.
The Constitution reflects the pluralism of society while granting protections for the beliefs of all by establishing a country governed by the rule of law: a republic. Yet this new pluralist movement does not define “pluralism” as a republic, but as a democracy. Our government today, in partnership with businesses and the private sector, seeks to shift the United States from being a constitutional republic to a government ruled by the majority (mob rule). They have first done this by shifting the language they use to describe our form of government from “republic” to “democracy,” but the difference is clear.
Alice Linahan, vice president of Women on the Wall and founder of Voices Empower, writes, “A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words, social justice.” If morality is defined by mob rule, then “imposing conformity, control, coercion, and oppression over those who disagree with their definition of equality, fairness, tolerance, or even love” will be deemed as “protecting democracy” (Blankley, B., 2015, April 2, The 3 percent’s definition of morality mirrors communism, Islamic State, The Washington Times,
“Protecting Democracy” could take the form of paying reparations, eliminating the Electoral College and using the popular vote, or doing away with coal or nuclear energy in favor of more environmentally friendly alternatives all for the “public good.”
I consider my home (ex) country as occupied since 1928.
So essentially I can't even mention which one it is, yet that is!
Everything runs soooo deep, and goes waaaaay back...
Not quite fathoming which country that might be.
Good, that means I've got my opsec where it should be!
Sorry about that, but it will be disclosed eventually...