And to explain why I’m so incensed about this -I’ve long thought that doctors in the US are running an anticompetitive racket via unnecessarily tough medical admission standards and costs. It’s great for incumbents but horrible for everyone else. A lot of US medical services are now provided by nurses and PAs because there aren’t enough doctors. And yet doctors except to earn upwards of 300k a year as if they’re entitled to get paid like a ceo just to see people in clinic for 5 days a week
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As an unrelated trivia, in Korea it is not the nurses' job to take care of the patients in the same way it is the case in most countries. In Korea, family members are supposed to come over to bathe, feed, etc... a sick family member. It is a heavy burden on your family once you get sick. The other option is to hire a private nurse to do it in your stead.
tough medical admission standards unless you are black or Hispanic in which case all standards are scrapped for diversity