The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan(Oct 22nd-24th), Russia, is set to host an unprecedented gathering of world leaders. With 9 out of 10 BRICS members represented by their top brass, this event signals a seismic shift in global power dynamics.
The expanded BRICS bloc now commands an impressive 45% of the world's population and 40% of global oil production (Kremlin spokes person). Projections indicate that by 2028, BRICS will outpace the G7 in GDP (PPP), claiming 37% compared to the G7's 27% or less.
As Western influence wanes, BRICS is rapidly becoming a magnet for nations seeking alternatives. With 34 membership applications on the table, the group's open-door policy to like-minded states is reshaping international alliances.
The summit's focus on national currency settlements further underscores BRICS' commitment to challenging the current global financial order. As tensions rise, reports suggest increased Western pressure on potential BRICS aspirants.
This Kazan summit marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing redistribution of global economic power. We'll keep an eye on the growth of this bloc that's gaining pricing power in the energy sector by the day.
I don't know why but for some bizarre reason I'm rooting for
I still hope I'll wittness a new era of smallest political units. But there is a funny or cynical point of view in this clearly visible to me too
Do you think they will leverage their oil against the usd? I can see them forming a cartel of sorts.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 10 Oct
USA can be oil/ energy independent with a blink of an eye (I think even after these horrible years rhey are). The Europeans will be in serious trouble
Right, so l feel they might do that to get others to meet their demands. I dont see the eu using brics lol
The biggest mistake the U.S. could have made was weaponizing the USD. History will look back at Biden and his administration as one of the biggest follies a country could make.