Yes, 44 now. I went through quite significant declination of health 3 years back. Till then, I was feeling quite good (not much sport, reasonable food), but suddenly, bang. My body told me "Hey man, you are not young anymore". So I'm learning how to live with it. Small morning exercises (yoga like), and some calinestatic. Listening to podcast about how to improve life (or limit really harming stuff like junk food, carbs, etc.). I'm also fighting with brain fog. I'm not able to focus 8 hours/day 5day/week (IT job). I admitted, that younger kinds are smarter, faster than me. It was a bit painful, but... yes, that is the life. Now, I switch from mode "I'm can do and be what ever I want." to "I'm happy that I can catch the modern IT train and I can be still useful for others". It sounds depressive, but I need to be picky there I invest my energy as the resources are way more limited. BTW there was some study recently, showing that aging has 2 steps (most noticable). After 40 and after 60 :)