Check out the previous post here.
Last time, we voted on a leader, and Gilgamesh won by a landslide... with a whopping 2 votes! Who would've thunk it?
Fast forward 61 turns, and we're now in 1600 BC, kicking off the classical era!
Zhangye Danxia — Natural Wonder
"With the sun shining brightly, then dusk’s mists falling, at every turn, the scenery changes like magic." – Fan Zhongyan
Now, the big question: do we try to take over Canberra (capital) and become the ultimate Aussie rulers, or do we befriend the locals and buddy up with their leader, John Curtin? Just a heads up, all win conditions are on, and usually, dominating takes forever. Someone's probably going to win a different way. So, the choice is yours!
Build a friendship33.3%
Conquer Canberra66.7%
15 votes \ poll ended
I missed the Leader vote! Gilgamesh is fun, though.
If the early capital conquest is easy enough, then it might be worth it. Starting spots tend to be better than average. I always lean towards diplomacy and trade, though.
No stress! There will be other votes.
I'm sure my military units are enough to conquer Canberra. Let's see what the stackers choose. The vote is sovereign! 🤠
33 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 11 Oct
Maybe give it a try but don't overextend. Stay humble! lol
You could maybe also go for a favorable truce instead of conquest. Essentially, try to build a friendship by almost killing them first. Your relationship could become similar to the USA and Japan!
It has been very long since I played Civ
Which Civ edition did you play the most?
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 11 Oct
Civ V
That was a great game.
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 10 Oct
I'm excited to play this game, and when it comes out.
33 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 11 Oct
If the Down Under people started the new age, I would punish them since I think this means they are ahead of everyone else. I can't tell in which age they are from the picture.
Maybe a short recording of the overall situation would be better instead of screenshots? I think you could show way more details with minimal effort this way. Just make sure you show everything that might be interesting at least for a second. We can pause and read stuff on our own pace.
Making a short video is a good idea. What software do you use to do this? I could add more detail even with screanshots, but I don't want to make it too technical.
66 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 11 Oct
I use OBS on Linux
Be a conquerer! I need to get into this game, I just don't have the time to learn it. I downloaded it. Maybe if Bitcoin hits $1M :)
Wake up, choose violence