Hmmm….. that condition doesn’t seem to come up very much. And, killing does a bit too much damage to karma. What do you think?
It used to come up frequently in the past, dealing with huge bears with sharp claws using maybe only a spear & knife certainly makes your mind focused... Or turned off permanently in that body! ;-)
In my experience in the woods, the best way to deal with wild animals is to shout, jump up and down, and wave your arms around. That only works if they don’t have any young ones around, though. They tend to run away.
I doubt that the state would go away that easily hahaha! ;-)
But it sure works for honest, sane creatures out in the woods, as long as you won't try to eat them...
I think that unfortunately most will have to get sooo close to losing it all that they won't have a choice, its only then that they'll fight back, and of course too late in most cases...
This goes for the West, even modern, technocratic states can be way more flexible and manageable in other regions of the world. I've got some experience with that, but will keep digging for at least anecdotal info for a handful of countries going forward.