I was playing a bit of chess on Lichess.org today and I had a crazy game.. It was a 3+2 minute game.
Here is the game:
I made a mistake in the opening (that's why openings are so important in a chess game) and I was under attack the whole game (you can check the game yourself). But I played very fast and got a huge time difference.
The opponent had plenty of chances to win the game. But he was too focused on winning the game and forgot to manage his time and defend his position.
In chess, there is a saying: Never give up! Never resign!
This is one of those games where this saying comes true.
The game ended very badly for my opponent. He had three seconds left on his clock, while I had 1:20 minutes and two nights more than him, i.e. 4+ points more material.
What do you think about this crazy game?
P.S. Don't you think there is time for another chess tournament?
How do I watch the game? I clicked the link and it seemed to take me to a new game.
60 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft OP 11 Oct
It's not a new game, is my game and you can see the moves by using the arrows on the right side of the board or by clicking the numbers on the table on the right side of the board.
Gotcha. Will give it a shot.
Your opponent was very aggressive early. I don't play speed chess. Is that usually an effective strategy. I could see some players making mistakes when constantly pressured without much time to consider moves but also on the flip side the attacker is likely to make errors too as they are focused solely on pressure.
Low Time Preference
;) Related.
Super interesting. Honestly it seems super rare that the scandi works out well for folks. Even if they end up with an early advantage, scandi players seem so overly aggressive that it becomes too difficult to maintain the position, and they overextend somehow.
Yeah. Only Magnus Carlson can play a perfect Scandinavian defence.
Wow, this guy should manage his time better...and you be more careful :D That Ka4 and c3 were baaad moves
I'm up for some little arena next week!
I'm really excited chess themes came back to sn What about game, yes time we often forget about and it ruined lots of games. As for me 3 minutes not enough. To play 3 minutes games you should know openings theory, that's why I like to play rapir 10 or 15 minutes games