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I bet you know what picture is coming, don't you? If you don't, I'm afraid I can't help you anymore concerning what this chart is. You will have to sleuth it out.
The descendant is, unexpectedly, opposite of the ascendant which is demarcated here by the number seven.
The descendant governs long term arrangements like marriages and business deals. It is traditionally ruled by Libra, which concerns harmony and balance. Here it is tenanted by Scorpio, meaning that the city of Austin, Texas would, if it were going to find a partner for something or another, need someone who was going to "sting it to death" to cause it to transform. In other words, the "Hey, you are totally not me" area of the chart is over there in the seventh, and what is going to be "not owned" or given away is "Scorpionic energy". Since Scorpio usually presides over matters like sex, birth, and death and strong feelings, one can understand how this house could quickly become intense for a city like Austin.
Notice the verbiage here is not "romance". Romance is more of a fifth house matter. Romance comes and goes, but if you are making a long term deal that concerns a courthouse or some binding agreement, the seventh quickly comes into play.
Litigation, then, could be understood to be a "life and death matter" for the city. Depending on how it relates, it might transform subsequent to such cases, or it might flat out die and be reborn into something else. Scorpio is rather like the crude fuel used to power a vehicle and requires a certain kind of refining in order for the fuel for the fire to not manifest in general death and mayhem.
More information is possible to discern by looking at the ruler of Scorpio, Mars, but this is getting a little too fancy for this series. If there is enough interest, I might broach the subject later.
hey keep it coming, I say. I'm very unfamiliar with astrology however, and could benefit from a basic -basic- breakdown. Like what does it mean to read a chart for a city?
Well, potentially nothing unless you adjust your lens long enough. Basically, the city "surrounds itself" with those energies. It means they are built in kinds of experiences, and partly people move there based on how they fit into that scheme. Austin, in the above example, has a built in bias towards news and information that isn't valued or else is valued in some other unusual way.
I'm so grateful you are sharing these here. Great concise information. Thank you.
It's my pleasure. Did you see my reply on your other question concerning a chart for the unknown person?
I am really new to astrology. I find that which I have absorbed so far really fascinating.
Glad you are enjoying it!