@k00b I noticed that smileys like ":D" are removed from a comment. Why is that? I had to escape the ":" with a slash to make it visible here.
I think that's a bug! Must be triggering some kind of markdown thing that removes it.
Ah, haha, I (wrongly) assumed you want to keep discussion "serious" since smileys just add noise (hypothetical argument). But I see, I was wrong, haha
However, I also started to use less smileys in my comments. This makes them seem more mature, haha
(But I replaced my ":D" usage with "haha", however, haha)
As you can see, I use it way too often ^^
привет! хочу иметь кнопку для сохранения статьи для чтения в будущем.? появиться? очень удобное будет. 5 сат можно сделать в 1 месяц.... и тогда я не буду сохранять ерунду