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Should I and all Bitcoiners run a full Bitcoin node and a LN node or is it not essential that we all do this?
Also on Zeus wallet is it actually a LN node by default?
Should I invest in the hardware or just buy the bitcoin instead?
Thoughts comments concerns?
My vote is Yes.
It is a great way to learn about both.
Hardware can be under $200.
True recommend any set ups?
Am I right that my Zeus wallet is a LN node?
Zeus has a lot of options. You can use Zeus to connect and control a node running on a different device. You can also use Zeus with the embedded node option where everything runs locally on your device.
Can I use Zeus for LN without paying 20k sats to set up channel?
Yes. A lightning channel is a 2 of 2 multisig on chain transaction, so it depends on how much on chain fees are at the time but will be much less that 20k sats unless fees are abnormally high. But when you open a channel all of the liquidity will be on your side so you can send money at first but not receive. There are many ways to get inbound liquidity so you can receive payments.
Wants me to open a lightning channel to send or receive with a minimum of 20k sats . Does that mean I lose those sats or I get to use them it’s just a minimum I need to get going?
If you are opening a channel with 20k sats then you will have 20k sats available to spend in the channel. There are other options some wallets provide to buy a channel with inbound liquidity in which you will trade the sats for the inbound liquidity. In that case you will be able to receive right away but not spend. I’m not sure which you are being prompted to do.
Won’t let me send or receive without a 0-conf channel? Saying the lsp will provide 0-conf channels so I can pay and receive. The lsp will also wrap my invoices
You can run a LN node in neutrino mode (without the heavy core blockchain). Here is a guide: #439263 Then connect Zeus to that node and use it remotely. I wrote so many guides about these scenarios...
True recommend any set ups?
Check out this post #78866
For Hardware you can find small used pc for a good price.
For Software I would recommended Start9 OS https://github.com/Start9Labs/start-os/releases
Am I right that my Zeus wallet is a LN node?
I am not sure
So I could just get a old laptop clear out everything else and off I go
Yes you could, I suggest you put a new fresh SSD in the laptop.
You will want at least a 2 TB SSD.
Blockchain is ~700GB at the moment.
I have an old one here with a broken screen but I can use another screen
A node provides support to the Bitcoin network, but running a node is an advantage and a great responsibility. I was recently reading the very spectacular @DarthCoin Guides, specifically on the topic of how some have misused the possibility of having a node. That is why this guide shows what type of node to run according to the need and the knowledge we have. So I agree with the idea that even when a node contributes to the Bitcoin network, not all of us should have one, at least not a complete one.
Here is the link to the aforementioned guide
"Here comes Zeus, starting with version v0.8.0 announced on their blog, is now offering an embedded LND node into the app. Until now Zeus was a remote node management app + LNDhub accounts. But now… the node is in the phone!"
Here is the guide from @DarthCoin that deals with this topic:
Investing in hardware to create a node, as long as the motivation is to contribute to the Bitcoin/Lightning network and seek independence, I think it would be good, but if that is not what motivates us, it is better not to. As the saying goes: "If you are not going to help, it is better not to bother"
Those are my comments and considerations. I hope you contribute with them.
All about nodes here: https://darth-coin.github.io/nodes/nodes.html From which I would start with this one, where I explained the types of nodes and use cases: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/managing-lightning-node-liquidity
Running a public LN node is a serious task that requ8ire a lot of hours studying and testing. I wrote all those guides to make an easier life for all those noobs starting now. Running a private LN node require also some level of knowledge.
If you are capable at the very least a full node, and not just for the sake of it, actually verifying your own transactions and mempool.
I would say once you fully grasp what a utxo is then consider heading down the path of lightning, but as always read and watch a lot before you just go full in on a public routing node, consider your use case, and don't dive off the deep end too soon.
Go in stages, I'd say focus on self custody first and foremost.
Thanks sounds like great advice! I’ll keep looking into it
The question is some kind wrong. First, you should ask yourself FOR WHAT do you want to run a node. As I explained in more details in this guide, there are many types of nodes: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/managing-lightning-node-liquidity
I think I’d like to run a bitcoin node mainly to contribute to the network. I’m only now thinking a ln node as I downloaded Zeus to be my lightning wallet not knowing what else it could do (upgrading from my WOS one I’ve always had for the little bits of sats I’ve had from SN and fountain
contribute to the network.
With what? People have no idea what they are doing and by saying "contribute to the network" most of the time they do more damage than good, because they don't know too much.
Just by running a meaningless core node and a LN node with a shity LN channel, is NOT "contributing" to the network. You run a node for YOURSELF. That is a PRIVATE node. A node that is contributing to the network is one that is run in a very specific mode, with lot of resources... those are PUBLIC nodes.
First you need to learn. Then you get more comfortable and learn to use more tools, then you contribute if you have resources.
The bitcoin blockchain is around 700 gigabytes right now and constantly growing so 256 gb would not work unless you used a pruned node. My advice would be to look for something with a 2 terabyte solid state drive. You could use this computer with an external 2 tb ssd.
Yes true thanks