One cannot warn enough against etatisms such as socialism; they are always an expression of the mental infection of large groups of people who, out of some inner need, intellectual neglect or state coercion, take refuge in collectivism or are driven into it.
This fall into collective civilizational barbarism is a process that slowly builds up, slowly infecting the roots of bourgeois society, the family, the educational system, culture, the right to private property and free enterprise, making the system as a whole sick and weakening it, and then turning into a tipping point. This is when the central power, the statr, holds all power in its hands. This is the culmination of civilizational stultification, which requires an immense energy of propaganda and confusion of the masses.
The data clearly show that in the eurozone, government ratios are rising in all countries. Growing state bureaucracy, the financing of the artificial GDP that Brussels calls the 'Green Deal', nonsensical regulations and a growing welfare state that irresponsibly ignores the demographic facts of collapsing reproduction rates will significantly exacerbate this problem in the coming years.
The crowding out of the private sector by the growing state sector can be seen very clearly in the falling investments and the stagnating or even falling productivity in individual regions of Europe. This creepy policy is doomed to never leave the crisis mode that it itself has created. The gaping debt hole created by this political disaster can only be filled by printing money.
In the US people live to work. In the EU people work to live. Very different outlooks and mindsets.
European NPCs are a real problem now. Anyone and their mother are watching at the state and what can be grabbed for free
I love Europe. Love to visit, love to come and just see how neat everything is. However what strikes me about many Europeans is just how risk-averse they are. Americans in general will try and fail 99 times if they can succeed once...
Europeans otht are just afraid to try at all. EU taxes are also too high
Neat!?!?!?! They have more tents and sidewalk sleepers then Calcutta, nowadays.
Vienna and Prague, for the most part, are really beautiful cities. Lots of small cities in Germany are really neat too.
I agree, because they are not targets for invaders.
By invaders you mean... migrants?
Mises and Rothbard had a lot to say about this subject! The European NPCs are also in competition for state loot with the new invaders. It looks like the invaders are taking up about 50% of all German welfare payments! They need to perform another Vienna, real quick now.
I just had a conversation with a coworker that though socialism was the way to go. I had to politely steer the conversation towards something else, even though I believed he was wrong. People are so deluded.
You should have continued with btc to give him the next hit...
I explained bitcoin to him, and he said because everyone owns it, it is a socialist construct. I was just shocked.
That's a new bs arguement that's even new to me
You should have seen the shock on my face. I couldnt even answer back to the stupidity.
Hahaha. Yeeeah I can imagine
What does govt spending have to do with socialism?
Where does socialism exist in these countries mentioned? Exploiters of other people's wealth to this day. If we think about it this way, the United States is socialist too, because it has enormous state investment and is allied in certain areas with the private initiative (Ex. Space X and NASA) The free market is a fallacy! All the richest countries place several barrier clauses subjugating poorer countries.
Socialism is the last step before communism and a few steps removed from Marxism. Collectivism works, but only in small tribal groups. Trying to apply collectivism to a large population is like trying to squeeze 10Kg of kaka into a 5Kg bag, it just doesn’t work. In fact, it has led to the democide of a literally uncounted number of real people. The only reason the mind virus spreads is that socialists compare their dream state to the real world and people do not recognize that fact. Also, young people have generally not experienced anything in life resembling anything but socialism until, shock, shock, they are thrust into the real world after their indoctrination. Please, if you have another answer that makes sense, please try to answer my argument.