One cannot warn enough against etatisms such as socialism; they are always an expression of the mental infection of large groups of people who, out of some inner need, intellectual neglect or state coercion, take refuge in collectivism or are driven into it.
This fall into collective civilizational barbarism is a process that slowly builds up, slowly infecting the roots of bourgeois society, the family, the educational system, culture, the right to private property and free enterprise, making the system as a whole sick and weakening it, and then turning into a tipping point. This is when the central power, the statr, holds all power in its hands. This is the culmination of civilizational stultification, which requires an immense energy of propaganda and confusion of the masses.
The data clearly show that in the eurozone, government ratios are rising in all countries. Growing state bureaucracy, the financing of the artificial GDP that Brussels calls the 'Green Deal', nonsensical regulations and a growing welfare state that irresponsibly ignores the demographic facts of collapsing reproduction rates will significantly exacerbate this problem in the coming years.
The crowding out of the private sector by the growing state sector can be seen very clearly in the falling investments and the stagnating or even falling productivity in individual regions of Europe. This creepy policy is doomed to never leave the crisis mode that it itself has created. The gaping debt hole created by this political disaster can only be filled by printing money.